1) Always follow standard books, recommended books to prepare for GATE. Try to cover complete syllabus. If not possible be perfect in whatever portion of syllabus you practice. 2) Prepare notes after finishing every chapter. This will help you during your last days of revision. 3) Practice as many model test papers as possible. 4) While studying a chapter, do ask yourself following questions "What", "How", and "Why" and see improvement. 5) Analyze your score in model test papers and compare your performance periodically to see how you improve. 6) In case of doubts ask some expert or use forums to discuss questions prepared by experts. 7) Consult your professors and seniors in case of any doubts. 8) Join a coaching institute if you feel the need. 9) Keep yourself updated about the recent developments in GATE by either logging on to Learnhub or their official site. Check the latest syllabus and paper pattern before you start preparing. 10) Revise