Your mind power is the most crucial thing that you have, with which to face life. It is that one tool you have in your hand that can transform the word 'miracle' into 'possible' for you. The power of the subconscious is tremendous. If used to its full potential, you can create your own destiny in the way you want with the help of your mind power.
When we were children, our parents and teachers taught us many things. They taught us how to dance, how to sing, how to work out formulae, how to frame sentences, how to draw, etc. They also taught us the fact of life that the only two things that cause success are those of backbreaking hard work or luck. But the question remains that why did they never tell us that all this could be accomplished by one's mind power? That you can achieve the impossible and attain the miracle by unleashing the power of your subconscious mind?
Man is always attracted towards abundance. They seek abundance in every materialistic aspect of life, be it abundance in money, abundance in fame, so on and so forth. What you have learnt since childhood is the fact that you can only achieve this abundance by staying up nights, burning midnight oil and doing a backbreaking job. But the truth is that if you can unleash and utilize your mind power then the power of your faith and your energy will go on to manifest these abundance in your life. If you seek abundance then you should always think about the abundance that you already have in terms of the money you have, the job that you have, the functioning body that you have and be joyful and grateful for it.
The second bad habit that we have developed since childhood is to always worry regarding things that we don't have sufficiently. For example, money, fame, Jewellery, electronics, cars, houses, etc are some of the things we always crib about while the mere presence of a job, a house, a family and a fully functional body goes unnoticed.
Everything in universe in energy. Hence, if you focus all your energy in a particular thing that you want in your life, visualize its attainment strongly and go on affirming your own mind that the event will take place, you will see that your mind power, or rather your energy would affect the entire cosmos and result in the event or thing getting manifested in reality.
Moreover always remain positive. Since your future is a product of your own thoughts, having negative thoughts can never result in a good future. The more joy and gratefulness you feel, life will manifest in a way so that these feelings are returned back to you manifold.
Hence, as a conclusion it might be said that if you focus all your energy on something that you want and have the power of faith that it will happen, and then nothing can stop it from getting manifested in reality. Your mind power is the sole source from which your destiny is created.