Astral traveling is all about being able to separate your subtle within, or your astral self from your physical body and projecting it in order to travel to higher astral planes. Thus, it is an out of body experience where your soul leaves your body and travels to higher ethereal planes and realms of consciousness observing the world from a distance.
Astral traveling as an activity has been present for a long time. Sages in the ancient time who meditated and lived in mountain caves and hailed from spiritually advanced civilizations like those of Egypt , India etc, were famous for attaining state of trance and wandering spiritually across the geographical and time boundaries of the physical universe.
Astral traveling may be experienced at a time of near death instances or at the time of lucid dreaming. For example, survivors of road accidents or drowning have given accounts of seeing their own accidents beforehand, as if seen in a movie.
Astral traveling is usually experienced at the time of lucid dreams or Meditational trances. Lucid dreaming is the act of passing into the world of dreams with a focused and awake mind state. This is why, when a person is fully conscious of his dreaming, he is said to be having lucid dreams, where he leaves his physical body to travel into other consciousness layers.
It is difficult to achieve this feat of astral traveling. Meditation has to be made a compulsory part of life if a person wants to attain the control of his subconscious state. It is also required to have a calm and peaceful dimly lit environment without any interfaces of electronic equipment. These should be arranged beforehand. The person should not have any kind of food that raises body temperature and increases the no of thoughts in his mind. Moreover, he should clear his mind from any non-assertive thoughts.
Astral traveling can be achieved by attaining a deep trance like state through basic Meditational practices. Essentially you should try to mimic the REM sleep mode which is the last phase of our sleep cycle characterized by rapid eye movement and intense brain activity. Relax your body so as to make it go to sleep while intensely concentrating to keep your mind wakeful and focused. Visualize yourself floating out of your body or use a prop like a rope to see yourself climb out if required and direct all your energies to energize this vision in order to manifest it in reality.
The main problem in astral traveling is during leaving your body in the first place. That is, even the slightest of self doubt will not yet your physical body leave your astral self. Remember that only with complete faith and belief in yourself would you be able to achieve it. Constantly thinking about whether your actions are working or not will never let you leave your physical body.
The second problem arises when you have managed to leave your body and traveling outwards. You should remember that even the slightest of fears in the mind that whether you are going to get too far away or not, or weather you can return back, will cause yourself to be ' sucked in' into your physical being once again, and you'll wake up all of a sudden. Thus, the main thing is to be clam, fearless and peaceful and have faith and believe in yourself to enjoy and experience astral traveling.