Many folks are definitely evaluating the practice of offering Algebra 1 in the Middle School in light of the mathematics content that is now included in the grades 6-8 North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCS). As you look at the middle grades curriculum, you will note a rich curriculum that includes a significant amount of algebra and geometry in addition to the material from the Number & Operation, Measurement, and Data Analysis & Probability strands. Much of what had been in the former Algebra 1 curriculum is now moved to the middle school. There are middle school students who are definitely talented in mathematics and probably could master the 6-8 curricula along with an Algebra 1 course; however, you need to be careful about screening and placing students in this situation. It is mandatory that students master all the material outlined in the 6-8 NCSCS prior to taking an Algebra 1 course. An excellent resource that addresses this topic is the SREB (Southern Region Education Board) publication, Getting Students Ready for Algebra 1: What Middle Grades Students Need to Know and Be Able to Do.