Symbol US-Name
------ -------
A amp (ampere)
C coul (coulomb)
dyn dyne
erg erg
F farad
G gauss
g gm (gram)
H henry
Hz hz (hertz)
J joule
K degC (kelvin)
kg kg (kilogram)
l liter
m m (meter)
MHz mhz (megahertz)
ml ml (milliliter)
Mx maxwell
N nt (newton)
Oe oe (oersted)
P poise
Pa pascal
s s (sec, second)
St stoke
T tesla
V volt
W watt
Wb weber
Ohm ohm
Constantsa0 Bohr radius (bohrradius)
alpha reciprocal fine structure constant
amu atomic mass unit
au astronomical unit
c speed of light in vacuum
e elementary charge
epsilon permittivity of vacuum (permittivity)
faraday Faraday constant
force acceleration of gravity
gammae electron gyromagnetic ratio
gammap proton gyromagnetic ratio (in water)
ge electron Lande factor (g value)
gH proton Lande factor
grav acceleration of gravity (same as force)
Grav gravitational constant (gravity)
h Planck constant (planckconstant)
hartree atomic energy unit
hbar h/2 pi (hquer)
k Boltzmann constant (boltzmannconstant)
lambdac Compton wavelength (comptonwavelength)
me electron rest mass (electronmass)
mn neutron rest mass (neutronmass)
mp proton rest mass (protonmass)
mole equal to Avogadro's number (pure number!)
Mol same as mole
mu permeability of vacuum (permeability)
muB Bohr magneton (mub, bohrmagneton)
mun nuclear magneton (muN, nuclearmagneton)
NA Avogadro's number (unit /mol)
nue electron Larmor frequency factor
nup proton Larmor frequency factor
pi 3.14159... (Ludolf's number)
R gas constant
Vmol molar volume
The script makes use of the Unix program units. For further details,
see the man page of units