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The Struggle for Survival

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The Struggle for Survival

The Struggle for Survival

While chemical engineers gained a formal education in 1888, this was certainly no guarantee of success. Many prominent people saw no need for this new profession. Additionally, it was unclear what role chemical engineers would play in industry.

To survive, chemical engineers had to claim industrial territory by defining themselves and demonstrating their uniqueness and worth. With this goal in mind, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) was formed in June of 1908. However, AIChE also faced difficult challenges in defining its own territory. The old (since 1876) and powerful (5000 members) American Chemical Society (ACS) had already laid claim to all realms of American Chemistry, both pure and applied.

Just weeks after the formation of AIChE, the ACS would launch its own "Division of Industrial Chemistry & Chemical Engineering" placing itself in direct competition with AIChE for the hearts and minds of the new engineers. The establishment of chemical engineering in America would involve a fierce struggle for survival.

The Story: Establishing the American Chemical Engineer

German Chemical Engineers? "Just say 'Nein'!

With the rapid growth of the American chemical industry around the turn of the century, the gap between laboratory processes and full-scale industrial production needed to be bridged. To many prominent chemists, educated at popular German universities, the approach to accomplish this had already been tried and proven. Germany had experienced its own rapid period of growth (on their way to becoming the world's greatest chemical power) during the 19th Century. The German solution to industrial scale up involved teaming research chemists and mechanical engineers to take a reaction from the lab bench to the factory floor. They believed this allowed the research chemist to remain creative by not being tied down with the drudgery of engineering practice (whether or not this belief is justified is a whole other topic). Because of their scale up method the chemical engineer was entirely unneeded, being instead replaced by a chemist and a mechanical engineer.

However, the American chemical industry was fundamentally different from German's counterpart. Instead of specializing in fine chemicals or complicated dyestuffs (often made in batch reactors, something all chemists are familiar with), the American industries produced only a few simple but widely used chemicals such as sulfuric acid and alkali (both made in continuous reactors, something chemists have little experience with). These bulk chemicals were produced using straightforward chemistry, but required complex engineering set on vast scales. American chemical reactors were no longer just big pots, instead they involved complex plumbing systems where chemistry and engineering were inseparably tied together. Because of this, the chemical and engineering aspects of production could not be easily divided; as they were in Germany. The chemical engineer therefore found a role to play in America despite their absence in the Germany until around 1960.

Strong Support for an American Chemical Engineer

The American chemical industry (initially following the German example, and why not?) employed chemists and mechanical engineers to perform the functions that would later be the chemical engineer's specialty. However these chemists were of an entirely different nature. The prominent research chemists employed in Germany were almost non-existent in America until after World War I. Instead the American chemical industry employed both analytical chemists (involved in materials testing and quality control) and a smaller number of production chemists (consisting of plant managers and chemical consultants engaged in engineering design, construction, and troubleshooting). However, unlike the highly praised German research chemists, these American counterparts were given very little respect from the chemical industry which employed them. It was noted that "analytical chemists were regarded as being of the same grade as machinists, draftsmen, and cooks." This low status carried over to the weekly paycheck, where in 1905 American analytical chemists received only half the salary of skilled artisans (R4).

Therefore at the turn of the Century, calling yourself a chemist did not bring the immediate admiration of your audience. Because of this many production chemists (people more closely engaged in management and engineering than chemistry) wanted very dearly to shed the term "chemist" from their title. While production chemists were still held in higher regard than their analytical cousins (and also higher paid, funny how that works) they still felt great anxiety over the falling status of chemists as a whole. In short, how could they assure that the production chemist would continue to keep their high status with manufacturers? This was a problem that could hit them where it would hurt most, the paycheck! The need for action was most imminent! As a solution, the production chemists began referring to themselves as chemical engineers (for this is what they were in practice if not in education), and engaged themselves in the formation of an institute devoted to securing greater recognition for their profession.

An "AIChE Breaky" Beginning

The formation of a society of chemical engineers was originally proposed by George Davis in 1880, a full ten years before the profession could boast of a formal education The first serious proposal for an American Society of Chemical Engineers was presented in a 1905 editorial by Richard K. Meade. He argued that such a society could help secure greater recognition for the chemical engineer, and also help convince the chemical industry that chemical engineers instead of mechanical engineers should be designing and operating their plants. The idea must have rung true, for in 1908 such an organization was formed (however its published goals did not include stealing jobs from mechanical engineers). Hence, the American Institute for Chemical Engineers (AIChE) was born.

In 1908, the year AIChE was formed, the powerful and influential American Chemical Society had already been around for 30 years and boasted nearly 5000 members. Additionally, this academic giant had recently committed itself to preventing anymore splinter groups from succeeding from the society. The ACS had been sensitized to the succession problem by the electrochemists and leather chemists who had left the ACS in 1902 and 1904 respectively. Both groups had formed their own independent societies to the dismay of the ACS. So when it seemed that the chemical engineers were also preparing to jump ship (and possible take a lot of production chemists with them, ) the ACS quickly reacted forming a "Division of Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering."

Avoiding Conflict by "Speaking Softly"

Faced with the possibility of direct conflict with the ACS, AIChE decided on a course of action designed to minimize rivalry and remain on as good of terms as possible. It accomplished this in three main ways:

1) Utilizing very restrictive membership criteria (through 1930) so as not to pose a threat to ACS membership. Part of this exclusive criteria required a full 10 years of industrial experience (5 years if you had a B.S.), thereby excluding most chemists in academia from full membership. This selective criteria made membership very attractive to those who could gain it and many compared AIChE membership to belonging to an exclusive men's club.

2) Emphasizing a role in which AIChE membership would compliment, not compete with, ACS membership. By requiring industrial experience, the first wave of AIChE members included chemical manufactures, plant management, and consultants (the group formerly called production chemists, ) . This provided a distinct departure from the typical ACS member which was more likely than not to be associated with academia.

3) Finally, AIChE avoided conflict by always approaching possible problems with the utmost discretion. Whether it was membership criteria or the societies political activities; AIChE always acted in a methodical and conservative fashion. An example of this occurred in 1920, when the Institute considered adding a new class a membership so analytical chemists working in industry could also gain membership. However, it was recognized that this action conflicted with a founding principle that the Institute should cover a professional field not already represented by other societies. As usual, slow sustained growth was recognized as the way to establish the profession while not stepping on too many toes along the way.

The conservative course of action undertaken by AIChE may have slowed membership growth, but it certainly helped bring chemical engineers and chemists into a state of cooperation rather than competition.

How To Define Professional Boundaries?

Another challenge facing chemical engineers involved defining who they were and how they were unique? How the AIChE answered these questions had a tremendous impact on the industrial territory chemical engineers could lay claim to.

Certainly one way the profession could be defined was through the formal education its members received. Because of this AIChE spent a lot of time and effort evaluating and improving educational activities.

They strove to standardize the chemical engineering education which was often erratic and inconsistent. But how exactly to improve education? In an age when chemical engineers learned mountains of industrial chemistry; where each chemical had its own long and varied history of production, what central theme could chemical engineering education rally around?

The answer came in 1915, when in a letter to the President of MIT, Arthur Little stressed the potential of "unit operations" to distinguish chemical engineering from all other professions and also to give chemical engineering programs a common focus.

Unit Operations, The "Big Stick" of Chemical Engineering

In transforming matter from inexpensive raw materials to highly desired products, chemical engineers became very familiar with the physical and chemical operations necessary in this metamorphosis. Examples of this include: filtration, drying, distillation, crystallization, grinding, sedimentation, combustion, catalysis, heat exchange, extrusion, coating, and so on. These "unit operations" repeatedly find their way into industrial chemical practice, and became a convenient manner of organizing chemical engineering knowledge. Additionally, the knowledge gained concerning a "unit operation" governing one set of materials can easily be applied to others. Whether one is distilling alcohol for hard liquor or petroleum for gasoline, the underlying principles are the same!

The "unit operations" concept had been latent in the chemical engineering profession ever since George Davis had organized his original 12 lectures around the topic. However, it was Arthur Little who first recognized the potential of using "unit operations" to separate chemical engineering from other professions. While mechanical engineers focused on machinery, and industrial chemists concerned themselves with products, and applied chemists studied individual reactions, no one, before chemical engineers, had concentrated upon the underlying processes common to all chemical products, reactions, and machinery. The chemical engineer, utilizing the conceptual tool that was unit operations, could now claim to industrial territory by showing his or her uniqueness and worth to the American chemical manufacturer.

Educational Standardization & Accreditation

While the "unit operation" concept went a long way in standardizing the chemical engineering curriculum, it did not solve the whole problem. A 1922 AIChE report (headed by Arthur Little, the "originator" of the "unit operation" concept) pointed out the continuing need for standardization due to chronic divergence in nomenclature and inconsistencies in course arrangement and worth. Again AIChE took action by making chemical engineering the first profession to utilize accreditation in assuring course consistency and quality. AIChE representatives traveled across the country evaluating chemical engineering departments. In 1925 these efforts culminated with a list of the first 14 schools to gain accreditation . Such efforts were so effective in consolidating and improving chemical engineering education that other engineering branches quickly joined the effort, and in 1932 formed what would later become the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)

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