Reactive Distillation is portrayed in the
picture below.
Rate Law
To illustrate the effects of reactive distillation lets take
the equation :
Taking the reaction to be elementary, the rate
law is :
In reactive distillation, one of the products is
continually removed causing the concentration of the removed product to become
very small. As a result the reverse reaction decreases and more product is
Mole Balance
Removing a component also has an effect on the mole balance.
If D is the only component being removed,
its mole balance becomes:
Mass Balance
Again, the overall mass balance must be done. However, this
time the flow of D out of the system must be
taken into account.
The mass terms in the equation can be replaced
by :
giving :
Assuming that the system is at constant density
leads to :
Mole Balance |
Mass Balance |
Rate Law |