How Applications Work
To start this section let us take a look at how traditional applications work.
Generally the application is separated into three major functions: the user
interface, the logic and the database. Additionally, the developer must decide
on which platforms the application will be supported. It should be apparent that
from a software developer's perspective an Intranet application immediately
eliminates some of the choices. The user interface already is defined as a
standard, and the user already has obtained the the software of her choice to
run on her system of choice. This leaves the application developer to
concentrate on the usability, logic and the content discovery and creation
aspects of the application.
Traditional end user applications generally have two major
limitations. They limit the user's ability to reformulate or
restructure the interaction, and they interact with data
from a pre-structured, single database. For complex
solutions, like Human Resources, Help Desk or Sales Force
Automation, the data required by the user often resides in
multiple legacy databases and a large portion is
semistructured, idea-based information, not the discrete
quantities and numbers that databases manage so well.
For these reasons, most application packages in these markets focus on the
logic that supports the structured part of the problem and on the user
interface. The legacy information may be acknowledged, but is not the main
thrust of the marketing and sales effort. The obligatory statement that, of
course, the legacy databases can be integrated is made, and the focus returns to
the structured process logic. And yet, in the implementation, the knowledge-base
problem is the significant barrier to an effective application, not the
structured process logic.
True Intranet applications are still in their infancy, but one point should
be clear. An Intranet application starts from the perspective of the knowledge
base, not the perspective of the structured application logic. The application
logic is one resource in the knowledge base that leverages the environment to
perform specific functions. This is a significant difference that is possible
only because of the vendor-independent communication and content standards of an
We can expect Intranet applications to evolve over time. The applications we
see today tend to be traditional applications, modified to take advantage of the
standard user interface. This type of application retains the tight integration
of functionality in a proprietary implementation and the dependence on its
database for information discovery and display. The next wave of Intranet
applications will begin to integrate solutions that extend to functionality
beyond the structured and semi-structured processes of traditional applications.
The use of spider-based discovery agents will begin to feed application logic,
and the logic will begin to facilitate the interaction of higher level ideas
over the raw manipulation of data that characterizes computer applications
today. As our knowledge about discovery agents and their implementation improve,
the application logic will begin to unbundle from today's structured database
model. This will both increase the need for vendor-independent, object-interface
standards and facilitate the unbundling of integrated logic into functional
objects. See Corel's Java for Office as an example of early moves in the
direction of unbundling logic into functional objects.
So what will these applications look like? They will be built on the standard
content and discovery agent model. They will focus on semi-structured and
unstructured parts of the problem. They will facilitate self-customization by
the user. Structured logic and processes will be developed and shared by anyone,
and many will be single-use "throw-aways."
The one characteristic of an Intranet that makes it different from all
previous computer-based infrastructures is not the wealth of information
available, but its ability to make everyone a publisher (and soon a programmer).
This fact is often either overlooked or viewed as a problem that has to be
managed. In fact, if a medium does not allow everyone to publish, outside the
"fill-in-the-blank" structure of previous computer technology, then real
communication cannot happen. The organizational interaction is limited to
dictates and highly structured feedback.
How can we move to the much desired "learning organizations" if we hide in
structure and cannot embrace some chaos and inefficiency? If we already know how
to structure the problem and the information, how can we learn? Learning is the
process of discovering structure. If we can only manage the knowledge (the
repository of our previous learning) that fits into our currently understood
structures, how can we advance our knowledge as we learn radically new things?
This is not to say there is not a place for structured processes or broadcast
information. However, the new infrastructure does allow us more options in the
way we approach and define problems. The key considerations in Intranet
application architecture will be twofold: the desirable level of structuring and
when content needs to be pushed rather than pulled. A new generation of "push"
tools are emerging that give users more control. See Marimba's Castinet product,
the Pointcast Network product or FirstFloor's Smart Delivery product as
examples. Complex Intranet applications will support a mixture of push and pull
possibilities, applied to gain the best overall effectiveness.
In their book, Decision Support Systems, Peter Keen and Michael
Scott-Morton identified three classes of processes which they called,
structured, semi-structured and unstructured. Prior to the time of their work,
computer applications primarily focused on structured processes. These
well-understood, repeatable processes fit the original "batch" mode of the
technology quite well. The concept of Decision Support Systems opened the world
of computer applications to the support of semi-structured processes. This was
enabled by the advent of interactive computing from video terminals, which meant
that users could interact with programs while they were running.
The introduction of Intranet applications extends computer functionality to
include support for unstructured processes. The user has the capability to scan
(browse) and screen (search) unstructured information to help formulate more
specific questions or to stimulate new ideas or approaches. The process building
blocks in the previous section can be combined in various ways to support all
three process classes. Additionally, the technology allows the application
author to mix modes of support within a single solution.