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Basic Concepts

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Basic Concepts

Forces Between Charges & Facts About Charge

        In this section you will begin by learning about charge - a basic electrical quantity.  We start with a short discussion of the force between charges.

  • Classical Greeks were the first to note that small pieces of material were attracted to rubbed amber.  That's the first recorded instance of an observation of force due to charge.

  • You have seen electrical effects if you have noticed the attraction of small bits of paper to a recently used comb.

  • Those effects are evidence of a force that exists - a force that is not a gravitational force.  That force is one of the fundamental forces of nature, and, along with gravity, it is one of the two forces that we humans can experience directly.

        These tiny effects have gradually been studied and put to use, especially in the last century and a half.  Starting from observing these tiny effects, scientists and engineers have learned basic principles and discovered other electrical effects that have led to the industries we rely on today including the power industry, the electronic communication industry and the whole world of computers.

        The effects these forces have in the world are no longer tiny.  The major moving forces in society - the ability to communicate instantaneously and the ability to compute solutions to large problems - are directly attributable to what we know about electricity.  And, what we know about electricity starts with charge - the invisible quantity that produces electrical forces.

  • There are two large forces that we can experience - gravitational forces and electromagnetic forces.

  • Both of these forces act through space, sometimes over large distances.

  • Gravitational effects cause the moon and planets to take elliptical orbits around a larger body. Mass causes this gravitational attraction. However, no one can give you a really good explanation of exactly what mass is except to say that it is a property of matter that causes this gravitational attraction.

        But, there is another force.

  • Some particles exhibit non-gravitational forces between them; forces that are much larger than gravitational forces.

  • Not all particles experience this force, but those that do are said to possess a property called charge.

  • Force due to charge obeys an inverse square law, of exactly the same form as the gravitational force.  Again, charge, like mass, is perhaps ultimately unexplainable, but some bodies possess it and are said to be "charged".

        The force law for charges is somewhat different because charge comes in two different types, positive and negative charge.

  • Two like charges (two positive charges or two negative charges)  will repel each other, whereas two masses always attract each other.  This interactive demo gives an idea of how two unlike charges move.

        The force law for charge is similar to the gravitational force law.  For two charges, q1 and q2, the force between them is:

  • Proportional to the product of the two charges q1 and q2, and

  • Inversely proportional to the square of the distance, r (in meters), between them.

  • So, the force is given by an expression:

F1,2 = q1 q2/(4peo r2)

Here, eo is a fundamental constant of nature, = ~8.885419x10-12 F/m.         Like every other physical quantity, when you deal with charge you must account
 for units.

  • Charge is measured in



  • Coulombs are named after Charles Augustin Coulomb who was the first person to determine that the force law for charges was an inverse square law.

  • Charge not only comes in two varieties, it also comes in discrete sizes. Electrons and protons each have the same size charge (but of opposite polarity) of magnitude 1.6x 10-19 coulombs (+ or - as appropriate), where a coulomb is the MKS unit of charge.

  • Note, the electron's charge is usually counted as negative, and the proton's charge as positive, although that is only a convention and there is no "lack" or "surplus" associated with negative and positive charges.

    When you use the force law expression:
F1,2 = q1 q2/(4pe>o r2)
  • Charge is measured in couloumbs (for q1 and q2).

  • Force is measured in newtons (for F1,2 ).

  • Distance is measured in meters (for r).

Consider this.

        If charge obeys an inverse square law it obeys a force law just like the gravitational force law.  The gravitational force law depends inversely upon the square of the distance between two masses, so mass plays a role somewhat similar to the role charge plays in the force law.

        Because of the similarity between the laws there are going to be some concepts that work the same in both cases.  There will also be some differences.  Two positive charges repel each other whereas two masses attract each other.  Charge comes in two varieties that we call positive and negative.  We don't know that that happens for masses.  Anti-matter probably does not have negative mass, although it interacts with matter explosively.  It doesn't look like two masses could repel each other.  The possibility of attraction and repulsion makes charge unique.


        If the force law between charged particles is the same as the force law between two masses, then what phenomena of gravitiation fields would you expect to be the same for charged particles?


  The concepts of potential energy would be the same.


  Just like two masses - like the earth and the moon - can orbit each other, charges can orbit each other.


  Just like mass, charge is always positive.


  Just like every particle has mass, every particle has charge.


  Just like mass, two charged particles always attract each other.

        There's one last set of facts about charge that you should know.

  • The charge on an electron is always the same.  It's has exactly the same value for every electron in the universe.

  • The proton has the same absolute value of charge as the electron, but it has a positive charge, not negative.

  • If you have just one electron and one proton (a hydrogen atom perhaps) then you have no net charge.  The two charges cancel!  And, they cancel exactly!

  • Other fundamental particles also have exactly the same charge as an electron, although it can be either positive or negative.  The charge on an electron is a fundamental quantity - a constant of nature.

Where Do You Use Charge?

        You may be tempted to think that charge is somewhat obscure and that you don't ever use charge.  You're wrong.  You use charge constantly, and you buy lots of things that store charge.

  • When you plug an electrical device into a wall plug you use charget.  One example is a light bulb.  Charge flows from the wall plug, through the connecting wire and through the bulb.  In the process, the flowing charge heats up the filament in the bulb generating light - unless it is a fluorescent lamp, and then a different process creates the light.  Actually, when charge flows it is called current

  • If you own a car, you own a storage battery.  The battery stores enough energy to allow you to start your car. The battery stores energy by storing charge on the battery plates.  When you use the battery, charge flows out of the battery.  That's current flowing from the battery.

  • Actually, when you buy a battery for a toy, a radio, a CD player, etc., you are buying stored energy, and the energy is stored as charge with potential energy.

  • Batteries dis


    (lose their charge) and some can be re


    (You can put charge back into them.).

  • Every time you run electronic gear - a TV, a stereo, a computer - from a wall plug outlet, you use a device called a power supply that stores charge in a capacitor.  That stored charge allows the electronic circuits you use to run during the very short times when the AC voltage goes through zero - and it does that 120 times a second on a 60hz power line.

There is some late breaking news

  • Recently physicists have discovered more basic entities, quarks, that may have one third of the charge of an electron.  Again, it is exactly one third, and charge always comes in multiples of that quantity.  Quarks come in groups that have no net charge, and form some of the fundamental particles like protons and neutrons.  For those atomic particles charge always comes in integral multiples of the charge on an electron, or they have no net charge at all!


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