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What points should you remember from this?  If you can put potential energy into a charge (as in a battery, for example) then whatever energy the charge acquires in the process is transferred totally to whatever elements the charge passes through as it wends its way back to the point where it has no potential energy.

       Electrical engineers would say this slightly differently.  Here's how they would say it.

  • If a charge is raised from zero voltage (zero potential energy) to a higher voltage (as in a battery, for example), then when that charge moves back to the point of zero potential energy it passes through voltages that sum to whatever the voltage was that it passed through to acquire the energy.

        This is really a statement of conservation of energy, and you can realize that once you remember that voltage is really potential energy per unit of charge.

        We also need to be more precise in our discussion of voltage.  Engineers communicate with symbols, and they use special symbols to show voltages.  Let's look at the circuit we used earlier.

        We have added symbols to define all of the voltages in the circuit.  For example, we have defined a symbol, VB, that represents the voltage across the battery.  For the voltage, VB , as we have defined it, we can compute the energy added to a charge, Q, when it moves from the bottom of the battery (at the "-" sign) to the top of the battery (at the "+" sign) as Q*VB.  Let's get a complete set of statements about what happens as charge moves around this circuit.

  • As a charge, Q, moves from the bottom of the battery (at the "-" sign) to the top of the battery (at the "+" sign), the charge gains an amount of energy, Q*VB.  The units are coulombs for charge, volts for voltage and joules for energy.

  • As a charge, Q, moves from the top of element #1 (at the "+" sign) to the bottom of element #1 (at the "-" sign), the charge loses an amount of energy, Q*V1.

  • As a charge, Q, moves from the top of element #2 (at the "+" sign) to the bottom of element #2 (at the "-" sign), the charge loses an amount of energy, Q*V2.

        We can generalize these statements.
  • If we have used the convention introduced above - with "+" and "-" signs - for voltage, then when a charge, Q, moves from the end of the element labelled with a "-" sign to the end of the element labelled with a "+" sign, the charge gains QV joules, where V is the voltage across the element.

        Now, it's time for you to answer a few questions.


Here is a more complex circuit.

Imagine that you have a charge, Q, which is moved between various points in the circuit.  The points we will consider are marked with little green squares, and have alphabetical labels (A through F).  Answer the following Questions.

Q1.  If a charge moves from point B to point C, how much energy does the charge lose?  Be careful with your signs.

Q2.  If a charge moves from point C to point D, how much energy does the charge lose?  Be careful with your signs.

Q3.  If a charge moves from point D to point E, how much energy does the charge lose?  Be careful with your signs.

We'll repeat the diagram so you don't have to scroll to answer the last few questions.

Q4.  If a charge moves from point E to point F, how much energy does the charge lose?  Be careful with your signs.

Q5.  If a charge moves from point F to point A, how much energy does the charge lose?  Be careful with your signs.

        Finally, you may have noticed a funny little symbol connected to point E in the drawing in the questions.  That symbol is a ground symbol, and it has some importance.  Ground is the reference voltage from which all other voltages in a circuit can be measured.

        Let us consider a battery connected in a piece of electronic equipment.  Very often there is some obvious reference from which you can measure voltage.  In homes and buildings that reference is the ground. Interestingly, ground level is often used as a reference when you compute potential energy of a weight that has been raised, so that's another little thing that electrical and mechanical systems share.

        The "electrical community" has come to agreement that the potential of the earth itself is the reference from which voltages are to be measured.  In many pieces of electrical and electronic instrumentation there is a terminal connected directly to ground.  Those terminals look like the following.  The black connector on an electronic instrument will be the ground connection.  (And, the British will refer to it as the "earth" connection.)

         Like mechanical potential energy, electrical potential energy and voltage are measured from a reference.  For mechanical energy, that might be ground level.  It's just that some reference needs to be chosen.  (And, it is chosen, not pre-ordained by nature!)

        Electrical systems need a reference and the reference usually chosen is ground.  That means the reference is the earth itself.  (In America, we usually refer to that as "ground" while the English refer to it as "earth".) In any event, in any piece of electrical or electronic equipment, "ground" voltage is always available.  It's the voltage at the third prong of the plug you put into the wall socket.

        In any event, the voltage level of the ground in your vicinity is chosen as a reference voltage, and often voltages are measured from that reference.  Since we must always talk about voltage differences, we should realize that if we say that some electrical terminal (a point in space) is at a voltage level of 120 volts, we mean that the voltage difference between that point and ground is 120 volts.

  • Rule to Remember:  Whenever you talk about a voltage, you are always talking about a voltage difference! - and you should specify the two points in space where that difference exists.

        Shown below is a picture of a wall plug.  The small circular hole at the bottom is connected directly to ground.  If you trace out the wiring in your home, you should find that the wire that makes the connection to the circular hole is connected (behind the walls) to a water pipe, or something else that makes good contact with the ground on which the house is built.

        What's more, if you measure the voltage between the other connections and ground you will usually find that one of them is at a voltage of 120 volts.  We would say that that voltage is 120 volts measured with respect to ground.  We take advantage of that connection in electronic instrumentation and many instruments can measure voltage with respect to ground, or can generate a voltage relative to ground.  This is a source of voltage that is very common.

        Finally, the last important concept.  Don't try to plug a plug into the picture above.  Use a real wall plug.

        At this point, you've started to get acquainted with voltage.  If you have to use circuits with live voltage you'll need to know how to measure voltage, and a few other things.  That's the next section.

Measuring Voltage

        If you deal with circuits you will need to be able to measure voltages in circuits.  That's the one skill you absolutely must have if you want to check that a circuit is operating properly.  You know that Murphy's law prevails.  If anything can go wrong, it will.

        You will always need to check a circuit's operation to see if it is working correctly.  Actually, you'll probably need to check it to find out why it isn't working.  Many times you will do that using a voltmeter.  In this section we'll discuss how to use a voltmeter to measure voltages in an operating circuit. 

        There are many other situations in which you would want to be able to measure voltage.  For example, you might have an LM35 temperature sensor.  Then the output of the sensor is a voltage that is proportional to the temperature of the sensor.

        We will give you a choice here.  You can continue in this lesson, or you can read the lesson devoted entirely to voltage measurements.  Click here to go to that lesson which covers numerous laboratory measurements and gives you several experiments to perform.

Using a Voltmeter

        Here's a representation of a voltmeter.  For our introduction to the voltmeter, we need to be aware of three items on the voltmeter.

  • The display.  This is where the result of the measurement is displayed.  Your meter might be either analog or digital.  If it's analog you need to read a reading off a scale.  If it's digital, it will usually have an LED or LCD display panel where you can see what the voltage measurement is.

  • The positive input terminal, and it's almost always red.

  • The negative input terminal, and it's almost always black.

        Next, you need to be aware of what the voltmeter measures.  Here it is in a nutshell.
  • A voltmeter measures the voltage difference between the positive input terminal of the voltmeter and the negative input terminal.

        That's it.  That's what it measures.  Nothing more, nothing less - just that voltage difference.  That means you can measure voltage differences in a circuit by connecting the positive input terminal and the negative input terminal to locations in a circuit.
        Next, we'll look at a circuit diagram.  We'll show a voltmeter connected to the circuit diagram - a mixed metaphor approach.  Forgive us for that, but let's look at it.  It's right below.

        Here's a voltmeter shown connected to a circuit.  This shows where you would place the leads if you wanted to measure the voltage across element #4.

  • Notice that the voltmeter measures the voltage across element #4, +V4.

  • Notice the polarity definitions for V4, and notice how the red terminal is connected to the "+" end of element #4.  If you reversed the leads, you would be measuring -V4.

        Here's a portion of a circuit board.  You want to measure the voltage across R27.  Click on where you should put the voltmeter leads.

What If ?

        At this point, you're starting to become comfortable with voltage.  Don't become too comfortable.  Always respect two things about voltage.

  • It can give you a shock, and a large enough voltage can be lethal.

  • It's more complicated than we've really indicated so far.

You Need To Know More About Voltage

        So far, we've just examined voltage as though it were across one device.  However, if we look at the example circuit we used before we realize that there are lots of voltages in this circuit.  If we measure them, how do we know our measurements make sense?  There are laws that voltage obeys.  The most important one is Kirchhoff's Voltage Law, (KVL) and it's the subject of another lesson.  It is an important relationship that voltage obeys, and it is the starting point for analysis of circuits of any complexity. That's it for this lesson.  You can exit this lesson and start another lesson by clicking the up-pointing arrow below.  Or you can go directly to several places from this page.  You can use any of these hotwordsto take you to a lesson of your choice.


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