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Flip Flops

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Flip Flops

        This is interesting, but we need to note the following.

  • This result is not at all intuitive.

    • The circuit is symmetric.

    • If we have symmetric inputs (X = 1, Y = 1), we should have symmetric outputs.

    • Instead, we seem to have shown that P = 1 and Q = 0.  That's not at all symmetric, and it it bothersome.

  • We got to the result by making an unsymmetrical assumption.  We assumed P = 1.

        What if we made the opposite assumption?  Let's assume P = 0.

  • If P = 0, then Q = 1 since P is an input to the bottom NAND gate.

  • If we know that Q = 1, it is an input  to the top NAND gate, so the output there is P = 0 since the other input to the top gate, X, is also 1.

  • But, P = 0 is what we assumed to start all this.  Again, we do not get a contradiction, so everything seems OK.

  • Here is the truth table for this situation.




















        Now, we can't have it both ways.  This truth table summarizes what we have found.























        There's something decidedly peculiar here.  The output has to be one or the other of these two cases.  Which is it?

        But, there's a related question.

  • When you were little and went to the playground, when you walked up to the see-saw, which direction did the see-saw tilt?  Or did you call it a teeter-totter?

  • Like the see-saw/teeter-totter, this circuit depends upon what went on before.

  • It can exist in either state.  The see-saw can tilt in either direction.  Which state you find depends upon history.

  • This circuit has a name with that same-consonant-different-vowel property.  It's called a flip-flop.

        Now, let's imagine that we do the following.

  • Let us assume that we input X = 1 and Y = 0.  Then, the output will be P = 0, Q = 1.  Here is the flip-flop in that state

  • Then, consider what happens when Y changes from 0 to 1.  Since P = 0, Q will not change when Y changes.  It only takes one zero input to keep the output of a NAND gate at one.  That means that the output does not change when Y changes to 1.

        We can reverse the initial inputs.

  • Let us assume that we input X = 0 and Y = 1.  Then, the output will be P = 1, Q = 0.  Here is the flip-flop in that state

  • Now, consider what happens when X changes from 1 to 0.  Since Q = 0, P will not change when X changes.  It only takes one zero input to keep the output of a NAND gate at one.  That means that the output does not change when X changes to 1.

        Some observations:

  • This circuit is a prototype of a memory element.  It can store and remember one bit of information.

  • Before it's a good memory element, it will need a little work.

  • The method we used to determine possible states in the flip-flop, including especially the case of inputs with two possible stable states, is the method of contradiction.

        Here's a simulation of the basic flip-flop.  Check out the truth table for the circuit and be sure that you understand how it works.  There will be a question or two after the simulation.


        Here is a simulation of a basic flip-flop circuit build using NAND gates.  Experiment with this circuit, checking out the truth table, and be sure to focus on the situation where two different states can exits.  In the simulation, you can change the state of each switch by clicking on the adjacent buttons.

Moving Toward A One-Bit Memory Element - Making the Flip-Flop Useful

        We're going to add some circuitry to our flip-flop to make it more usable.  Here is another simulation with a bit more circuitry.  We'll work toward understanding that circuitry shortly.


        Here is a simulation of a more complex flip-flop.  In this flip-flop, do the following.

  • Set the data you want to store in the flip-flop.  The data input is at the left in the circuit.  There's only one bit in the data.

  • Pulse the clock high for a short time, and then reset it to low.

  • Notice that the data can change.  (Try changing it yourself.)  However, the data that is stored in the flip-flop (which is the data you see at the output) is the data that was present when the clock cycled high.  After that you can change the data till the cows come home and the output won't change until the next time you cycle the clock high.

        If we look at the simulation above, we see that the circuit takes a data input bit and transfers it to the output when the clock goes through a cycle - from 0 to 1 and back to zero.  After the clock pulse becomes zero, then the output is held - i.e. remembered - until another clock pulse comes along and reads the value of A then into the circuit.


        Try it again to be sure that you understand it.  Make the data input a 1 and store it, then make the data input a 0 and store it.

        Well, so far we have a one-stage memory storage device.  Next, we're going to duplicate this single stage and have it drive a second stage.  There's a good reason for that.  In this circuit we might end up trying to change the output at the same time we are trying to read the output.  That would never do, so we're going to devise a circuit that will hold the output constant in a second stage while we put the input into the first stage.  However, if we draw all of the components we won't be able to show the whole thing.  So, we going to encapsulate the entire circuit above with just the data input, the clock input and the top output showing.  Note, we only need to have one output available since the two outputs of the flip-flop are always complements.

        You should also be aware that engineers really like to be able to use higher order abstractions for devices.  The logic gates (NAND gates in the flip-flop) are really composed of transistors, and the flip-flops are really composed of gates.  But, you can't always work at the transistor level when you are constructing circuits with gates, and you, similarly, can't always work at the gate level when you are constructing circuits with flip-flops.

Now, working with the simpler representataion, experiment with it to be sure that you understand how it works, and in particular be sure that you can see that this device stores a single bit.


Now, at this level of abstraction, we can check out the operation of the single stage flip-flop.  Run this simulation and notice how the output changes on the leading edge of the clock pulse, C.

        There's a problem with this memory element.  If this element is embedded in a system in which you want to read new information into the memory element at the same time as you are reading information from the element, those two things are happening at the same time.  A more desirable situation would be to have a circuit in which the output was guaranteed to stay constant while the input is being loaded.  A two-stage memory element is used for that.  Here is a simulation.  In this simulation, note the following.

  • There are really two flip-flops in this circuit, but there is only one clock and one data input.

  • The clock is used to put the data into the first flip-flop (when it becomes "1"), but when the clock becomes "0", the not-clock (the inverted clock signal) becomes "1", and puts the data (now at the output of the first flip-flop) into the second flip-flop.

    • Actually, we would normally say that the data is gated into the first flop-flop on the leading edge of the clock pulse, and then gated into the second flip-flop on the trailing edge of the clock pulse.


The D Flip-Flop - A One-Bit Memory Element

        The combination of two flip-flops constitutes a D-type flip-flop.  That's D because the output of the flip-flop is delayed by the time of one clock pulse.  Check it out.  Set a value for the data and pulse the clock ON and OFF.  You'll find a copy of the data appearing at the output on the trailing edge of the clock pulse.  Now, if we consider the combination of two flip-flops (in the simulation above) as a unit, we have a D flip-flop.  It's called a D flip-flop because it delays the signal.  The signal appears at the output of the circuit delayed by the time of one clock pulse.  Here's another simulation to demonstrate that.  The "blue box" (We don't always use the traditional "black box".) is the D flip-flop.

Simulation - D (Delay) Flip-Flop

        In this simulation, the data input appears at the output of the circuit one clock cycle later.  You can cycle the clock "manually".

The Toggle (T) Flip-Flop

        A D flip-flop can be converted to a toggle (T) flip-flop by connecting the output to the input, inverting the output as it is fed back.  That's shown in the simulation below.  Again, you can put a clock pulse into the circuit.

Simulation - T (Toggle)  Flip-Flop

        In this simulation, the D flip-flop is transformed into a toggle flip-flop using inverted feedback around the D flip-flop.


Q1   If you go through four clock cycles (i.e. the clock goes from zero to one and back to zero - that's one cycle), how many cycles does the output of the toggle flip-flop go through?

        The toggle flip-flop is a frequency divider when you use it as it was used in the simulation above.  If the clock runs 100 times a second, the output of the toggle will be a pulse that runs 50 times a second, so the frequency of the toggle output is half of the frequency of the toggle input.

        Now, consider a "What if?" question.  Here's the question.  What if you take two toggle flip-flops and put the output of one into the input of the other.  The next simulation will let you explore that.


        Here is the simulation for two T (Toggle) flip-flops with the output of the first one being the input to the second one.


        Using the simulation above with two T flip-flops, determine the answers to the following questions.  In answering these question, interpret the LED indicators on the flip-flops as a two-bit digital number.  The most significant bit (MSB) is the one on the right.  The LSB is the one on the left

Q2   When the simulation loads, what number is pre-loaded into the system?

Q3   After one clock cycle (clock becomes one, then becomes zero again, i.e. two mouse clicks), what number is present?

        Flip-flops are interesting circuits, and it is important that you understand them.  The best way to get to really know them is to use them in the lab.  You may have done that before you took this lesson depending on your instructor.  However, the lab is worthwhile whenever you do it.  There is a link below in the link to Logic Laboratories.


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