Edge triggered flip flop
- the circuit for an edge triggered R S flip flop using two D types
While the simpler R S flip flop using two electronic logic
gates is quite adequate for most purposes, there are instances where an edge
triggered one may be needed. For these instances, this circuit provides a simple
and effective manner of implementing this electronic circuit function.
Edge Triggered R-S Flip Flop
When there is a low to high transition on the set input to
the circuit on CK1 this sets the Q1 output to high. A low to high on CK2 then
sets Q1 to low.
This type of circuit may have a number of applications. One
could be as a phase detector in a phase locked loop. The two signals will be
seeking to either set or reset the circuit, and the length of time that Q is
high will be dependent upon the phase difference between the two signals.