Minimum and Maximum Values
Many of our applications in this chapter will revolve
around minimum and maximum values of a function. While we can all visualize the
minimum and maximum values of a function we want to be a little more specific in
our work here. In particular we want to differentiate between two types of
minimum or maximum values. The following definition gives the types of minimums
and/or maximums values that we�ll be looking at.
Note that when we say an �open interval around
we mean that we can find some interval
not including the endpoints, such that
Or, in other words, c will be contained somewhere inside the interval and
will not be either of the endpoints.
Also, we will collectively call the minimum and maximum
points of a function the extrema of the function. So, relative extrema
will refer to the relative minimums and maximums while absolute extrema refer to
the absolute minimums and maximums.
Now, let�s talk a little bit about the subtle difference
between the absolute and relative in the definition above.
We will have an absolute maximum (or minimum) at
f(c) is the largest (or smallest) value that the function will ever take
on the domain that we are working on. Also, when we say the �domain we are
working on� this simply means the range of x�s that we have chosen to
work with for a given problem. There may be other values of x that we
can actually plug into the function but have excluded them for some reason.
A relative maximum or minimum is slightly different. All
that�s required for a point to be a relative maximum or minimum is for that
point to be a maximum or minimum in some interval of x�s around
There may be larger or smaller values of the function at some other place, but
relative to
or local to
f(c) is larger or smaller than all the other function values that are
near it.
Note as well that in order for a point to be a relative
extrema we must be able to look at function values on both sides of
see if it really is a maximum or minimum at that point. This means that
relative extrema do not occur at the end points of a domain. They can only
occur interior to the domain.
There is actually some debate on the preceding point. Some
folks do feel that relative extrema can occur on the end points of a domain.
However, in this class we will be using the definition that says that they can�t
occur at the end points of a domain.
It�s usually easier to get a feel for the definitions by
taking a quick look at a graph.
For the function shown in this graph we have relative
maximums at
Both of these point are relative maximums since they are interior to the domain
shown and are the largest point on the graph in some interval around the point.
We also have a relative minimum at
this point is interior to the domain and is the lowest point on the graph in an
interval around it. The far right end point,
will not be a relative minimum since it is an end point.
The function will have an absolute maximum at
an absolute minimum at
These two points are the largest and smallest that the function will ever be.
We can also notice that the absolute extrema for a function will occur at either
the endpoints of the domain or at relative extrema. We will use this idea in
later sections so it�s more important than it might seem at the present time.
Let�s take a quick look at some examples to make sure that
we have the definitions of absolute extrema and relative extrema straight.
Identify the absolute extrema and relative extrema for the following
Since this function is easy enough to graph let�s do that.
However, we only want the graph on the interval [-1,2]. Here is the graph,
Note that we used dots at the end of the graph to remind us
that the graph ends at these points.
We can now identify the extrema from the graph. It looks
like we�ve got a relative and absolute minimum of zero at
an absolute maximum of four at
Note that
not a relative maximum since it is at the end point of the interval.
This function doesn�t have any relative maximums.