Chebyshev Polynomials
Background for the Chebyshev
approximation polynomial.
We now turn our attention to polynomial interpolation
for f(x) over [-1,1] based on the
nodes . Both
the Lagrange and Newton polynomials satisfy
where the remainder term has
the form
and is
the polynomial of degree given
Using the relationship
our task is to determine how to
select the set of nodes that
minimizes . Research
investigating the minimum error in polynomial interpolation is attributed to the
Russian mathematician
Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev (1821-1894).
Table of
Chebyshev Polynomials.
Recursive Relationship.
The Chebyshev polynomials can be generated recursively in the following
way. First, set
and use the recurrence relation
Relation to trigonometric functions.
The signal property of Chebyshev polynomials is the trigonometric
representation on [-1,1].
Consider the following expansion using the Mathematica command
These celebrated
Chebyshev polynomials are readily available in
Mathematica and called under the reserved name "ChebyshevT[n,x]."
Roots of the
Chebyshev polynomials
The roots of are . These
will be the nodes for polynomial approximation of degree n.
The Minimax Problem
An upper bound for the absolute value of the
remainder term,
, is
the product of and . To
minimize the factor , Chebyshev
discovered that must
be chosen so that ,
which is stated in the following result.
Theorem (Minimax Property). Assume
that n is fixed. Among all possible choices for Q(x) and thus among all
possible choices for the distinct nodes in [-1,1],
the polynomial is
the unique choice which has the property
Rule of Thumb.
The "best a priori choice" of interpolation nodes for the interval [-1,1]
are the n+1 nodes that are zeros of the Chebyshev polynomial .
Here is a visual analysis of equally spaced nodes
verses Chebyshev nodes on [-1,1], and
their affect on the magnitude of Q(x) in the remainder term .
Transforming the Interval for Interpolation
Sometimes it is necessary to take a problem stated on an
interval [a,b] and reformulate the problem on the interval [c,d] where the
solution is known. If the approximation to is
to be obtained on the interval [a,b], then we change the variable so that the
problem is reformulated on [-1,1]:
or ,
where . The
required Chebyshev nodes of on [-1,1] are
and the interpolating nodes on [a,b] are
obtained using the change of variable for .
Theorem (Lagrange-Chebyshev
Approximation). Assume that is
the Lagrange polynomial that is based on the Chebyshev interpolating
nodes on [a,b] mentioned
If then
holds for all .
Algorithm ( Lagrange-Chebyshev
Approximation ). The
Chebyshev approximation polynomial of degree for f(x) over [-1,1] can
be written as a sum of :
The coefficients are
computed with the formulas
for where
for .
Mathematica Subroutine ( Chebyshev
Polynomial Approximation ).
The first subroutine "Chebyshev" uses recursion to construct the Chebyshev
Approximation Polynomial.
The following subroutine "ChebyshevPoly" version uses Mathematica's
built-in functions to construct the Chebyshev approximation polynomial.
In the construction, vector operations are used to assist the computations,
since, similar terms occur in the summation for each of the coefficients.
Both give the same results.
Mathematica Subroutine ( Chebyshev
Approximation ).
The following subroutine "ChebyshevPoly" version uses Mathematica's
built-in functions to construct the Chebyshev approximation polynomial.
In the construction, vector operations are used to assist the computations,
since, similar terms occur in the summation for each of the coefficients.
Both give the same results.
First, generate some Chebyshev polynomials with Mathematica's built in