Cubic Splines
Cubic Spline Interpolant
Definition (Cubic
Spline). Suppose that are n+1 points,
where . The
function is
called a
cubic spline if
there exists n cubic polynomials with
coefficients that
satisfy the properties:
for .
II. for .
The spline passes through each data point.
III. for .
The spline forms a continuous function
over [a,b].
IV. for .
The spline forms a smooth function.
IV. for .
The second derivative is continuous.
Lemma (Natural Spline). There
exists a unique cubic spline with the free boundary conditions and .
Remark. The
natural spline is the curve obtained by forcing a flexible elastic rod through
the points but letting the slope at the ends be free to equilibrate to the
position that minimizes the oscillatory behavior of the curve. It is useful for
fitting a curve to experimental data that is significant to several significant
(Natural Cubic Spline). To construct
and evaluate the cubic spline interpolant
for the
data points , using
the free boundary conditions and .
Mathematica Subroutine (Natural
Cubic Spline).
Remark. There are five popular types of
splines: natural spline, clamped spline,
extrapolated spline, parabolically terminated spline, endpoint curvature
adjusted spline.
When Mathematica constructs a cubic spline it uses the "natural
cubic spline."
Clamped Spline.
Lemma (Clamped Spline). There
exists a unique cubic spline with the first derivative boundary conditions and .
A property of clamped cubic
A practical feature of splines is
the minimum of the oscillatory behavior they possess. Consequently, among all
functions f(x) which are twice continuously differentiable on [a,b] and
interpolate a given set data points
, the cubic spline has "less wiggle." The next result explains this phenomenon.
Theorem (Minimum property of
clamped cubic splines). Assume that and is
the unique clamped cubic spline interpolant for
which passes through
and satisfies the clamped end conditions and . Then
(Clamped Cubic Spline). To construct
and evaluate the cubic spline interpolant S(x) for the n+1 data points , using
the first derivative boundary conditions and .