So far we have introduced sets as well as the number systems that we will
use in this text. Next, we will study sequences of numbers. Sequences are,
basically, countably many numbers arranged in a sequence that may or may not
exhibit certain patterns. Here is the formal definition of a sequence:
Definition: Sequence
- A sequence of real numbers is a function f: N
R. In other words, a sequence can be denoted by f(1), f(2),
f(3), ..... Usually, we will denote such a sequence by the symbol
, where aj = f(j).
For example, the sequence 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, ... is written as
Keep in mind that despite the strange notation, a sequence can be thought of as
an ordinary function. However, in many cases, that may not be the most expedient
way to look at the situation. It is often easier to simply look at a sequence as
a 'string' of numbers that may or may not exhibit a certain pattern.
We want to describe what the long-term behavior, or pattern, of a sequence
may be, if any.
- A sequence
of real (or complex) numbers is said to converge to a real (or
complex) number c if for every
> 0 there is an integer N > 0 such that if j > N then |
aj - c | <
The number c is called the limit of the sequence
and we sometimes write aj
- If a sequence
does not converge, then we say that it diverges.
Consider the sequence
It converges to zero. Prove it.
The sequence
does not converge. Prove it.
The sequence
converges to zero Prove it.
Convergent sequences, in other words, exhibit the behavior that they get closer
and closer to a particular number. Note, however, that divergent sequence can
also have a regular pattern, as in the second example above. But it is
convergent sequences that will be particularly useful to us right now.
We are going to establish several properties of convergent sequences, most of
which are probably familiar to you. Many proofs will use an '
argument' as in the proof of the next result. This type of argument is not easy
to get used to, but it will appear again and again, so that you should try to
get as familiar with it as you can.
- Let
be a convergent sequence. Then the sequence is bounded, and the limit is
The Fibonacci numbers are recursively defined as x0 = 1, x1
= 1, and for all n > 1 we set xn = xn - 1
+ xn - 2. Show that the sequence of Fibonacci numbers {1, 1,
2, 3, 5, ...} does not converge.
Convergent sequences can be manipulated on a term by term basis, just as one
would expect:
- Suppose
converging to a and b, respectively. Then
- Their sum is convergent to a + b, and the sequences can be
added term by term.
- Their product is convergent to a * b, and the sequences can
be multiplied term by term.
- Their quotient is convergent to a / b, provide that b # 0,
and the sequences can be divided term by term (if the denominators are
not zero).
- If an
bn for all n, then a
This theorem states exactly what you would expect to be true. The proof of it
employs the standard trick of 'adding zero' and using the triangle inequality.
Try to prove it on your own before looking it up.
Note that the fourth statement is no longer true for strict inequalities. In
other words, there are convergent sequences with an < bn
for all n, but strict inequality is no longer true for their limits. Can
you find an example ?
While we now know how to deal with convergent sequences, we still need an
easy criteria that will tell us whether a sequence converges. The next
proposition gives reasonable easy conditions, but will not tell us the actual
limit of the convergent sequence.
First, recall the following definitions:
Definition: Monotonicity
- A sequence
is called monotone increasing if aj + 1
aj for all j.
- A sequence
is called monotone decreasing if aj
aj + 1 for all j.
In other words, if every next member of a sequence is larger than the previous
one, the sequence is growing, or monotone increasing. If the next element is
smaller than each previous one, the sequence is decreasing. While this condition
is easy to understand, there are equivalent conditions that are often easier to
- Monotone increasing:
- aj + 1
- aj + 1 - aj
- aj + 1 / aj
1, if aj > 0
- Monotone decreasing:
- aj + 1
- aj + 1 - aj
- aj + 1 / aj
1, if aj > 0
Is the sequence
monotone increasing or decreasing ?
Is the sequence
monotone increasing or decreasing ?
Is it true that a bounded sequence converges ? How about monotone increasing
sequences ?
Here is a very useful theorem to establish convergence of a given sequence
(without, however, revealing the limit of the sequence): First, we have to apply
our concepts of supremum and infimum to sequences:
Prove that the sequences
What is their limit?
Define x0 = b and let xn = xn - 1
/ 2 for all n > 0. Prove that this sequence converges for any
number b. What is the limit ?