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Antitubercular inhaled therapy

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Antitubercular inhaled therapy

Inhaled therapy with conventional or unformulated ATDs

Many patients continue to remain sputum smear-positive for Mycobacteriumtuberculosis despite ongoing chemotherapy, which is mainly attributableto (other than drug resistance) extensive cavitary lesions wherethe antimycobacterial drugs fail to reach when administeredorally. Sacks et al. selected such patients of pulmonaryTB who were sputum smear-positive after at least 2 months ofconventional treatment. The patients were treated with gentamicinor kanamycin via nebulization as adjunctive therapy while theconventional drugs were maintained in parallel.

The frequencyof nebulization was thrice daily whereas the duration was dictatedby practical considerations and smear conversion times whichranged from 9 to 122 days. It was observed that 86% (6 out of 7) of the patients with drug-susceptible TB and 58% (7 out of12) of the patients with drug-resistant TB underwent smear conversionduring the study period, suggesting that residual aminoglycosidesin sputum expectorated from pulmonary cavities could inhibitintracavitary bacillary growth and prevent transmission, thoughnot necessarily affecting the bacteria inside the macrophages.Nevertheless, the study did document the supportive role ofinhaled aminoglycosides in patients with refractory TB.

Aerosol administration of interferon gamma (IFN-{gamma}), a key cytokinein the immunological response against mycobacteria, has alsobeen attempted. The initial studies were inconclusive as thepatients receiving adjunctive aerosol IFN-{gamma} became smear-negativeafter 1 month but continued to be culture-positive and the smearresponse was not sustained. However, when the aerosolizedIFN-{gamma} therapy was continued for 6 months (thrice weekly), mostof the patients showed a definite radiological improvement anda reduction in the size of the cavitary lesions. It appearsthat merely aerosolizing an antimycobacterial compound may beinadequate; for efficient bacterial killing, drugs need to beformulated into suitable delivery systems thereby ensuring theirrapid uptake into macrophages which harbour the tubercle bacilli.The dictum holds true for the majority of intracellular infections,and liposomes as well as micro/nanoparticles have emerged as useful drug carriers () in this context., Hence,it is not surprising that these carriers have established theirpotential for antitubercular inhaled therapy ().

Pulmonary delivery of liposome-encapsulated ATDs

Liposome-encapsulated drugs are especially effective against intracellular pathogens and their demonstrated advantages include: (i) the ability to formulate biologically active molecules; (ii) the ability to encapsulate hydrophilic compounds; (iii) reduction in toxicity of the active agent; (iv) increased therapeutic index; (v) increased stability of labile drugs; (vi) improved pharmacokinetics; (vii) increased delivery to target tissues;and (viii) the feasibility of nebulization. Liposomes are morepopular as intravenous ATD carriers. However, keeping inmind that liposomes have been successfully nebulized to treatintracellular pulmonary infections, conventional (phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol)liposomes encapsulating rifampicin and isoniazid were preparedin our laboratory for nebulization. The loading of rifampicinwas better compared with isoniazid. The inhalable distearoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterolliposomes encapsulating ATDs, as prepared by Justo & Moraes, also showed a satisfactory drug loading for isoniazid as well as pyrazinamide. In their case, however, the encapsulation of rifampicin, streptomycin and ethionamide was low. Aerodynamic characterization of our formulation showed 94% of generatedaerosol to be respirable, with an MMAD of 0.96 �0.06�m. A single nebulization of liposomal ATDs to guineapigs could maintain therapeutic drug concentrations in the plasmafor 48 h whereas free/unencapsulated drugs were cleared by 24h. Liposomal drugs were present in the lungs and more importantlyin the alveolar macrophages till day 5 post-nebulization, suggestingthat liposome-based controlled ATD release may obviate the needfor daily drug dosing. Our findings and predictions are supportedby the results of Kurunov et al., who reported an equivalenttherapeutic efficacy of twice weekly nebulized liposomal rifampicinand daily conventional rifampicin in a murine TB model. Theauthors suggested that the liposomal formulation helps in thepersistence of rifampicin in the lung tissue.

The specific targeting of liposomes towards the alveolar macrophagescan be achieved by coating the liposomes with alveolar macrophage-specificligands such as O-stearyl amylopectin (O-SAP) and maleylatedbovine serum albumin (MBSA). The therapeutic efficacy of O-SAP-coatedliposomal ATDs was recently reported, however, the intravenous route was employed for liposomal administration. Vyas etal. prepared O-SAP- and MBSA-appended inhalable liposomes entrapping rifampicin. In vivo studies in albino rats demonstrateda higher pulmonary delivery and better localization of ligand-appendedliposomes to alveolar macrophages compared with conventional liposomes or free rifampicin, from 30 min to 24 h post-nebulization. Subsequently, the alveolar macrophages were isolated, spreadas a monolayer and infected with Mycobacterium smegmatis. The percentage viability of the bacilli was significantly reducedto 10.9% in the case of MBSA- and 7.1% in the case of O-SAP-coatedliposomes, compared with 69% and 31% for control macrophages and conventional liposome-treated macrophages, respectively.The results were based on a single nebulization of liposomalrifampicin and the authors speculated that an ideal situationof 0% viability may be obtained by repeated dosing. It is thereforeclear that nebulization of liposomal ATDs, coupled to the useof alveolar macrophage-specific ligands, may improve the chemotherapyof pulmonary TB especially in view of the fact that liposomesare known to be safe when administered via the respiratory route. However, with the use of biodegradable polymers in the arenaof drug delivery, more emphasis began to be laid on the useof polymeric systems for antitubercular inhaled therapy.

Pulmonary delivery of microparticle-encapsulated ATDs

The use of polymeric microparticles to deliver ATDs by different routes (injectable, oral and aerosol) has been reported by several investigators. Because of its biodegradability and biocompatibility,poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG; a synthetic polymer) has beena popular choice as a drug carrier. By employing solventevaporation as well as spray drying methods, PLG microparticlesencapsulating rifampicin were prepared. The former techniqueresulted in spherical particles with 20% drug loading and 3.45�m volume median diameter whereas the latter techniqueproduced shrivelled particles with 30% drug loading and 2.76�m diameter. The microspheres were administered via insufflationor nebulization to guinea pigs, 24 h before aerosol infection with M. tuberculosis H37Rv. The model was adopted as a post-treatmentscreening method for antimicrobial efficacy. The assessmentof colony forming units (cfu) 28 days post-infection showeda dose�effect relationship, i.e. lower cfu with higherdoses of microspheres. The cfu count was significantly reduced compared with free rifampicin. With a similar experimental approach, the authors next evaluated the effect of repeated dosing ofthe microspheres. At 10 days post-infection, half of the treatmentgroup received a second dose of the microspheres. There wasa significant reduction in cfu in lungs (but not in spleens)in the case of animals receiving a single dose of the formulation,whereas two doses resulted in a significant decrease in cfuin lungs as well as in spleens. It was realized that besidesthe methodology involved in microparticle preparation, the surfacecharacteristics of dry powders also play a key role in predictingparticle dispersion and pulmonary deposition.

Although the results with rifampicin-loaded microspheres provedto be encouraging, it was necessary to incorporate other ATDsbecause the disease requires multidrug therapy for its cure.Hence, other investigators encapsulated isoniazid with rifampicinin polylactide microparticles for dry powder inhalation to rats. Drug concentrations inside the alveolar macrophages were found to be higher than that resulting from systemic delivery of free drugs, an indication of the rapid phagocytic uptake and cytosolic localization of the drug-loaded microparticles. The authorsdiscussed that since alveolar macrophages migrate to secondarylymphoid organs, loading these cells with microparticles mightlead to transport of drugs to those very sites where macrophagesmigrate (mimicking the course of spread of mycobacteria). Thatis to say, pulmonary delivery of microparticle-encapsulatedATDs has the potential to reach extrapulmonary sites of infectionas well. Unfortunately, chemotherapeutic studies were not carriedout by the authors.

The rising incidence of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) is a matter of great concern because the treatment involves the useof second-line ATDs, which are more costly and toxic comparedwith the first-line drugs used to treat drug-susceptible TB.Furthermore, the treatment schedule is more prolonged with agreater risk of patient non-compliance. Some of the second-linedrugs, e.g. para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS), need to be administeredin very large amounts (up to 12 g daily), which is inconvenientto the patient. In order to reduce the drug dosage, investigatorshave formulated an inhalable microparticulate system for PAS,based on dipalmitoylglycero-3-phosphocholine. The microparticleswere produced by spray drying, possessed a 95% drug loadingand were administered to rats via insufflation. The drug wasmaintained at therapeutic concentrations in the lung tissuefor at least 3 h (the authors did not monitor the drug levels further) following a single dose of just 5 mg of the dried formulation.Accelerated stability studies indicated that the formulation was stable for up to 4 weeks and the authors suggested thatthe technology could be extended to include other drugs suchas rifampicin, aminoglycosides as well as fluoroquinolones.

Despite the satisfactory results obtained with microparticles,the quest for better drug delivery systems ushered in the eraof nanoparticles. The design and development of polymeric nanoparticles for experimental antitubercular inhaled therapy have been therecent focus of interest in our laboratory.

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