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Cardiovascular Drugs

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Cardiovascular Drugs


 is a vasodilator peptide released from clotting factor XII by a tissue protease called kallikrein. It plays little role in the regulation of normal blood flow, but becomes more important following injury or infection.

Kaplan et al (2002) Pathways for bradykinin formation and inflammatory disease J. Allergy & Clinical Immunology 109(2) 195-209. This excellent article is available electronically, but only via OVID. 'Orrid OVID. You can get to it (with patience & persistence) using the library catalogue. The library will shortly switch to a more convenient source.

Brain natriuretic peptide

(BNP, nesiritide) has recently been approved for clinical use. This peptide is released naturally from overstretched ventricular muscle.

Tremblay et al (2001) Biochemistry and physiology of the natriuretic peptide receptor guanylyl cyclases Mol. Cell. Biochem. 230(1-2), 31 - 47. [Write down the reference, click the link and then select the article from the publishers' website.]

Calcium sensitisers

allegedly increase the efficiency of cardiac muscle by modifying calcium binding to troponin and they are claimed to increase cardiac output without increasing oxygen consumption. There is dispute about their mode of action, and levosimendan also activates the ATP sensitive potassium channel in vascular smooth muscle plasmalemma, leading to an increase in coronary flow. These compounds are only just starting clinical trials and it will be several years before their efficacy can be properly assessed.

Kaheinen et al (2001) Levosimendan Increases Diastolic Coronary Flow in Isolated Guinea-Pig Heart by Opening ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 37(4), 367 - 374. [Write down the reference, click the link and then select Contents on the publishers' website.]

Pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6) and chemokines (MCP-1 & IL-8) are produced by macrophages and many other cell types. They are raised in CHF, and there is increased expression within the failing myocardium. They are implicated in the pathogenesis of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). These peptides act on the hypothalamus to increase body temperature, reduce food intake and result in the mobilisation of energy and protein stores. They stimulate the liver to secrete C-reactive protein and mannan-binding lectin as part of the acute phase response. Various anti-cytokine trials have so far yielded disappointing results.


 is a potent vasoconstrictor and smooth muscle mitogen secreted by endothelial cells lining the blood vessel walls. The endothelin system is activated in several disease states including hypertension and heart failure. There are two classes of endothelin receptor: ETAR located mainly on vascular smooth muscle cells and ETBR located mainly on the endothelial cells themselves. ETAR signaling causes both vasoconstriction and myoproliferation. ETBR signals vasodilation when expressed on endothelial cells but vasoconstriction when expressed on smooth muscle cells. Selective and non-selective endothelin receptor antagonists (ETRA) have been developed. Pre-clinical studies have shown limited effects on hypertension, but these drugs have an excellent ability to prevent end organ damage 

Growth hormone

is an experimental drug for the treatment of CHF and a growth hormone releasing peptide from stomach also appears to be effective. Physical exercise and sleep are physiological stimuli for growth hormone release, and it is also produced in response to fasting. Many of the actions of growth hormone are mediated indirectly by locally-produced insulin-like growth factors. So far most of this work has been carried out with animals and as yet (April 2002) there are no results available from large scale clinical trials.

Vasopeptidase inhibitors

 simultaneously inhibit both neutral endopeptidase and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Neutral endopeptidase is responsible for the breakdown of both bradykinin and the natriuretic peptides, so inhibition of this enzyme should produce valuable clinical effects. Early results have been very promising and omapatrilat, the most studied drug in this class, is currently in phase II clinical trials.


is a powerful vasoconstrictor that also activates water uptake from the kidney collecting ducts, producing a concentrated urine and retaining water within the body. There are three classes of vasopressin receptors. V1 receptors are found in the vascular system, V2 receptors are on the kidney collecting ducts and V3 receptors are in the posterior pituitary. Both V1 and V2 are targets for drug development work. Vasopressin antagonists are only just starting clinical trials, but have already been shown to produce a powerful aquaretic effect in human volunteers. They displace vasopressin from V2 receptors in the renal collecting ducts, leading to a large increase in water (but not salt) excretion. In subjects given free access to water, plasma osmolarity is unchanged.

Surgical Interventions:

These lectures have concentrated on new cardiovascular drugs, but there have also been important advances in surgical techniques. Revascularisation and stenting can yield considerable benefits in ischaemic heart failure, although there is a tendency for coronary occlusion to re-appear where the underlying metabolic defects are still in existence. In addition, the MIRACLE trial [Hare (2002) Cardiac-Resynchronization Therapy for Heart Failure NEJM 346, 1902-1905] indicates that bi-ventricular pacing may be of benefit in cardiomyopathic heart failure. Encouraging results have also been obtained with mechanical devices to assist the acutely failing heart. In some cases patients who were being prepared for transplantation have recovered sufficient function to continue with their own hearts after weaning from the mechanical pump. See, for example, Farrar et al (2002) Long-term follow-up of thoratec ventricular assist device bridge-to-recovery patients successfully removed from support after recovery of ventricular function J. Heart & Lung Transplantation 21(5), 516-521.


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