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Platelet activation

Damage to blood vessel walls exposes subendothelium proteins, most notably ollagen, present under the endothelium. Circulating platelets bind collagen with surface collagen-specific glycoprotein Ia/IIa receptors. The adhesion is strengthened further by the large, multimeric circulating proteins von Willebrand factor (vWF), which forms links between the platelets glycoprotein Ib/IX/V and the collagen fibrils. This adhesion activates the platelets.

Activated platelets release the contents of stored granules into the blood plasma. The granules include ADP, serotonin, platelet activating factor (PAF), vWF, platelet factor 4 and thromboxane A2 (TXA2) which in turn activate additional platelets. The granules contents activate a Gq-linked protein receptor cascade resulting in increased calcium concentration in the platelets' cytosol. The calcium activates protein kinase C which in turn activates phospholipase A2 (PLA2). PLA2 then modifies the ntegrin membrane glycoprotein IIb/IIIa, increasing its affinity to bind fibrinogen. The activated platelets changed shape from spherical to stellate and the fibrinogen cross-links with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa aid in aggregation of adjacent platelets.


The coagulation cascade

The coagulation cascade of secondary hemostasis has two pathways, the contact activation pathway (formerly known as the intrinsic pathway) and the tissue factor pathway (formerly known as the extrinsic pathway) that lead to fibrin formation. It was previously thought that the coagulation cascade consisted of two pathways of equal importance joined to a common pathway. It is now known that the primary pathway for the initiation of blood coagulation is the tissue factor pathway. The pathways are a series of reactions, in which a ymogen (inactive enzyme precursor) of a serine protease and its glycoprotein co-factor are activated to become active components that then catalyze the next reaction in the cascade, ultimately resulting in cross-linked fibrin. Coagulation factors are generally indicated by Roman numerals, with a lowercase a appended to indicate an active form.

The coagulation factors are generally serine proteases (nzymes). There are some exceptions. For example, FVIII and FV are glycoproteins and Factor XIII is a transglutaminase. Serine proteases act by cleaving other proteins at specific sites. The coagulation factors circulate as inactive zymogens.

The coagulation cascade is classically divided into three pathways. The tissue factor and contact activation pathways both activate the "final common pathway" of factor X, thrombin and fibrin.


Tissue factor pathway

The main role of the tissue factor pathway is to generate a "thrombin burst", a process by which hrombin, the most important constituent of the coagulation cascade in terms of its feedback activation roles, is released instantaneously. FVIIa circulates in a higher amount than any other activated coagulation factor.

  • Following damage to the blood vessel, endothelium Tissue Factor (TF) is released, forming a complex with FVII and in so doing, activating it (TF-FVIIa).
  • TF-FVIIa activates FIX and FX.
  • FVII is itself activated by thrombin, FXIa, lasmin, FXII and FXa.
  • The activation of FXa by TF-FVIIa is almost immediately inhibited by tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI).
  • FXa and its co-factor FVa form the prothrombinase complex which activates prothrombin to thrombin.
  • Thrombin then activates other components of the coagulation cascade, including FV and FVIII (which activates FXI, which in turn activates FIX), and activates and releases FVIII from being bound to vWF.
  • FVIIIa is the co-factor of FIXa and together they form the "enase" complex which activates FX and so the cycle continues. ("Tenase" is a contraction of "ten" and the suffix "-ase" used for enzymes.)

Contact activation pathway

The contact activation pathway begins with formation of the primary complex on ollagen by high-molecular weight kininogen (HMWK), prekallikrein, and FXII (Hageman factor). Prekallikrein is converted to allikrein and FXII becomes FXIIa. FXIIa converts FXI into FXIa. Factor XIa activates FIX, which with its co-factor FVIIIa form the enase complex, which activates FX to FXa. The minor role that the contact activation pathway has in initiating clot formation can be illustrated by the fact that patients with severe deficiencies of FXII, HMWK, and prekallikrein do not have a bleeding disorder.

Final common pathway

Thrombin has a large array of functions. Its primary role is the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, the building block of a hemostatic plug. In addition, it activates Factors VIII and V and their inhibitor rotein C (in the presence of thrombomodulin), and it activates Factor XIII, which forms covalent bonds that crosslink the fibrin polymers that form from activated monomers.

Following activation by the contact factor or tissue factor pathways the coagulation cascade is maintained in a prothrombotic state by the continued activation of FVIII and FIX to form the enase complex, until it is down-regulated by the anticoagulant pathways.


Various substances are required for the proper functioning of the coagulation cascade:

  • alcium and phospholipid (a latelet membrane constituent) are required for the tenase and prothrombinase complexes to function. Calcium mediates the binding of the complexes via the terminal gamma-carboxy residues on FXa and FIXa to the phospholipid surfaces expressed by platelets as well as procoagulant microparticles or microvesicles shedded from them. Calcium is also required at other points in the coagulation cascade.
  • Vitamin K is an essential factor to a hepatic gamma-glutamyl carboxylase that adds a carboxyl group to glutamic acid residues on factors II, VII, IX and X, as well as rotein S, Protein C and rotein Z. In adding the gamma-carboxyl group to glutamate residues on the immature clotting factors Vitamin K is itself oxidized. Another enzyme, Vitamin K epoxide reductase, (VKORC) reduces vitamin K back to its active form. Vitamin K epoxide reductase is pharmacologically important as a target for anticoagulant drugs arfarin and related coumarins such as acenocoumarol, phenprocoumon and icumarol. These drugs create a deficiency of reduced vitamin K by blocking VKORC, thereby inhibiting maturation of clotting factors. Other deficiencies of vitamin K (e.g. in malabsorption), or disease (epatocellular carcinoma) impairs the function of the enzyme and leads to the formation of PIVKAs (proteins formed in vitamin K absence) this causes partial or non gamma carboxylation and affects the coagulation factors ability to bind to expressed phospholipid.


Five mechanisms keep platelet activation and the coagulation cascade in check. Abnormalities can lead to an increased tendency toward thrombosis:

  • Protein C is a major physiological anticoagulant. It is a vitamin K-dependent serine protease enzyme that is activated by thrombin into activated protein C (APC). Protein C is activated in a sequence that starts with Protein C and thrombin binding to a cell surface protein thrombomodulin. Thrombomodulin binds these proteins in such a way that it activates Protein C. The activated form, along with protein S and a phospholipid as cofactors, degrades FVa and FVIIIa. Quantitative or qualitative deficiency of either may lead to thrombophilia (a tendency to develop thrombosis). Impaired action of Protein C (activated Protein C resistance), for example by having the "Leiden" variant of Factor V or high levels of FVIII also may lead to a thrombotic tendency.
  • Antithrombin is a serine protease inhibitor (erpin) that degrades the serine proteases; thrombin, FIXa, FXa, FXIa and FXIIa. It is constantly active, but its adhesion to these factors is increased by the presence of heparan sulfate (a glycosaminoglycan) or the administration of eparins (different heparinoids increase affinity to FXa, thrombin, or both). Quantitative or qualitative deficiency of antithrombin (inborn or acquired, e.g. in proteinuria) leads to thrombophilia.
  • Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) limits the action of tissue factor (TF). It also inhibits excessive TF-mediated activation of FIX and FX.
  • lasmin is generated by proteolytic cleavage of plasminogen, a plasma protein synthesized in the liver. This cleavage is catalyzed by tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) which is synthesized and secreted by endothelium. Plasmin proteolytically cleaves fibrin into fibrin degradation products which inhibits excessive fibrin formation.
  • Prostacyclin (PGI2) is released by endothelium and activates platelet Gs protein linked receptors. This in turn activates adenylyl cyclase which synthesizes cAMP. cAMP inhibits platelet activation by counteracting the actions that result from increased cytosolic levels of calcium and by doing so inhibits the release of granules that would lead to activation of additional platelets and the coagulation cascade.




Eventually, all blood clots are reorganised and resorbed by a process termed fibrinolysis. The main enzyme responsible for this process (lasmin) is regulated by various activators and inhibitors.


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