M-Codes control machine functions and these include.
M00 � program stop
M01 � optional stop using stop button
M02 � end of program
M03 � spindle on CW
M04 � Spindle on CCW
M05 � spindle off
M06 � tool change
M07 � flood with coolant
M08 � mist with coolant
M08 � turn on accessory 1 (120VAC outlet) ( prolight mill)
M09 � coolant off
M09 � turn off accessory 1 (120VAC outlet) ( prolight mill)
M10 � turn on accessory 2 (120VAC outlet) ( prolight mill)
M11 � turn off accessory 2 (120VAC outlet) ( prolight mill) or tool change
M17 � subroutine end
M20 � tailstock back ( EMCO Lathe)
M20 � chain to next program ( prolight mill)
M21 � tailstock forward (EMCO Lathe )
M22 � write current position to data file (prolight mill)
M25 � open chuck (EMCO Lathe)
M25 � set out put 1 off ( prolight mill)
M26 � code chuck (EMCO Lathe)
M26 � set output 1 on (prolight mill)
M30 � end of tape (rewind)
M35 � set output 2 off (prolight mill)
M36 � set output 2 on (prolight mill)
M38 � put stepper motors on low power standby (prolight mill)
M47 � restart a program continuously, or a fixed number of times (prolight miil)
M71 � puff blowing on (EMCO Lathe)
M72 � puff blowing off (EMCO Lathe)
M96 � compensate for rounded external curves
M97 � compensate for sharp external curves
M98 � subprogram call
M99 � return from subprogram jump instruction
M101- move x-axis home (prolight mill)
M102 � move y-axis home (prolight mill)
M103 � move z-axis home (prolight mill)