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Bode' Plots

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Bode' Plots

  • or   G(jwn) =Gdc/j2z

The formula for the gain of the frequency response at w= wn is interesting because:

  • It depends only upon the DC gain and the damping ratio, and, the smaller the damping ratio, the higher the gain at the natural frequency.
        Now, recall the other important behavior at low frequencies and high frequencies.
  • For small w, the gain is just Gdc.For large w, the gain Gdc/w2.For small w, the gain is just Gdc, assuming Gdc = 10 (or 20 db) on the plot.

  • For large w, the gain is Gdc/w2, - dropping off at -40 db/decade.

Here we assume that the natural frequency is fn = 20.

  • And, we can insert the point at the resonant frequency, using our formula.
    • G(jwn) =Gdc/j2z

For this example, we'll assume z= 0.1.  Remember:

Gdc= 10, and z = 0.1,

so this works out to be a gain of 50 at the resonant peak, the equivalent of 34 db.  Do we have a problem here?

  • The peak is well above either of the asymptotes at the natural frequency.
  • We should believe all of the math we've done.
  • Is there really a problem here? Should we look at the actual frequency response? Here it is. There's  the peak. It does exist.

        Let's examine the parameters here again to be sure that his all hangs together.  The system parameters were:

  • Gdc= 10,

  • z = 0.1,
  • wn = 2 p

    20, (since that natural frequency was 20 Hz.)

With these paramters, note the following in the plot.

  • The DC gain is 20 db which corresponds to a gain of 10.

  • The resonant peak is pretty much right at 20 Hz as it should be.

  • The resonant peak is about 13 or 14 db high.

    • A gain of 50 would be 14 db, do that also checks!

  • The high frequency slope looks to be around -12 db/octave or -20 db/decade.

        All of these observations confirm the calculations, and they really point out that it can be important to understand how the resonant peak depends upon the damping ratio.

        To make that correspondence between resonant peak and damping ratio as clear as possible, we have here an example of a frequency response for another system. We'll let you control the damping ratio, but we're going to set the DC gain and the natural frequency. Hopefully, you'll see how this peak depends upon the system's damping ratio.  Use the right and left arrow controls to step the movie a single step forward or backward.

  • Gdc = 1.0.

  • Natural frequency = 159 Hz.
  • Damping ratio - variable and controllable by user.
        What should we note about the second order system response in the movie?
  • There is a resonant peak in the second order system response.
  • The size of the resonant peak depends upon the damping ratio.
  • For damping ratios less than about 0.5 the peak is relatively insignificant.
        Finally, we have to deal with the phase. A Bode' plot isn't complete until you have the phase plot. Here's a phase plot for a system with:
  • A damping ratio of 0.1
  • An undamped natural frequency of 159 Hz. (1000 rad/sec.)

Notice the following for this plot.

  • The phase starts at zero degrees for low frequencies.
  • The phase asymptotically approaches -180o for high frequencies.

        How the phase plot depends upon damping ratio is something you should know. Next, we have a movie of phase shift as a function of damping ratio.

        For the system in the plot, the parameters are:

  • Gdc = 1.0.

  • Natural frequency = 159 Hz.
  • Damping ratio - variable.
        Now, at this point you've seen Bode' plots for second order system with complex poles.  Second order systems with real poles are really combinations of two first order systems, and they will be covered in the next section.

        At this point, one direction to continue would be to continue to the next section.  However, you might want to go in the direction of looking at Nyquist plots for the systems discussed above.  In that case, use this link to go to the lesson on Nyquist plots.

Sketching Bode' Plots For Larger Systems - Examples

        There will be times when you will need to have some sense of what a Bode' plot looks like for a larger system. A useful skill is to be able to sketch what the plot should look like so that you can anticipate what you'll get. That's particularly helpful when you have a complex system and you enter a large transfer function.  It's not only helpful. You can often gain insight by playing "What if?" games with a notepad and pencil.

        In this section, we will look at some larger systems and examine some overall properties of Bode' plots for those systems.

        We will start with a system that is not all that large - a second order system with two real poles. Just for discussion, we'll use the system with the transfer function shown below.

  • If we wanted to sketch this Bode' plot we could start by looking at the DC gain.
  • Remember that the DC gain is just G(jw) with w= 0.

  • Letting w= 0 in G(jw), we get:

    • G(0) = 10. (20db)
  • At low frequencies, the (.002s + 1) term in the denominator will still look pretty much like 1.0.
  • However, as we go up in frequency, the (.01s + 1) term will have an effect.
  • The (.01s + 1) term introduces a corner frequency which we discussed earlier in the section on Bode' plots for first order systems.
  • The corner frequency is at:
    • f = 100/2p= 15.9Hz.

At slightly higher frequencies, the (.002s + 1) term will start to have an effect.

  • The (.002s + 1) term will add another -20db/decade slope to the plot, for a total of -40 db.decade.
  • We get -40 db/decade because we now have two poles contributing to the roll-off, and 2*(-20db/dec) = -40 db/dec.
  • The second corner frequency is at f = 500/2p = 79.5Hz.

  • The straight line approximation is high at the corners, but gives a pretty good idea of where the actual Bode' plot lies.
        Now, let us make this slightly more complicated.  Here's another transfer function.
Start by looking at the DC gain - as before.
  • Remember that the DC gain is just G(jw) with w = 0.
  • Letting w = 0 in G(jw), we get:

    • G(0) = 10. (20db)
  • As we go up in frequency from DC, the (.01s + 1) term will have an effect.
  • The (.01s + 1) term introduces a corner frequency - as before.
  • The corner frequency is at f = 100/2p = 15.9Hz.
  • Check the slope. It should be -20 db/decade.
  • At slightly higher frequencies, the (.002s + 1) term will start to have an effect.
  • The (.002s + 1) term will add another -20db/decade - or wait a minute - is that +20 db/decade?
  • Because it is a zero, it is +20db/dec, and the corner frequency is at:
    • f = 500/2p= 79.5Hz.

  • For frequencies above 79.5 Hz, the gain would be 10*.002/.01 = 2 or 6db.
And don't forget we still have one more corner frequency. so let's add the last corner frequency.
  • We have another corner frequency at:
    • f = (1/.0001)/2p= 1590Hz. - Call that 1600 Hz.

  • Above 400 Hz, we have another -20 db/decade added, but the total will now be -20 db/decade.

  • The straight line approximation is off at the corners, but gives a pretty good idea of where the actual Bode' plot lies.
        This is a good point for some reflection.

        You should be able to sketch even higher order systems. Real poles and zeroes give rise to straight forward corner frequencies - either pole or zero factors - and you can account for them.  Problems could arise if the corner frequencies were more "bunched" than they were in the examples. We deliberately chose two examples which had some separation between corner frequencies and that allowed the Bode' plots to straighten out between corners.

        We have yet to talk about two other topics - phase plots and second order factors with low damping - i.e. with resonant peaks.  We will first look at resonant peaks on Bode' plots.

  • We'll work with an example related to the one we've done with real poles. The transfer function is shown below.
  • We start by looking at the DC gain.
  • Letting w = 0 in G(jw), we get: G(0) = 10. (20db)
  • At frequencies below 100 Hz, the quadratic factor will stay essentially 1.
  • However, as we go up in frequency, the (.01s + 1) term will have an effect,
  • We get a corner frequency from the (.01s + 1) term.
  • The corner frequency is at:
    • f = 100/2p = 15.9Hz.
  • Now, we need to consider the quadratic factor.
  • The natural frequency, wn = 1000.
  • The damping ratio is z = .05, since:
    • 2zwn = 100
  • The damping ratio predicts a resonant peak of:
    • (1/2z) = 10 (or 20 db)
    • at f = 1000/2p = 159Hz.
  • We also know that the quadratic factor is going to add -40 db/decade above the resonant peak at the natural frequency.
        Finally, you can compare what we have generated with what a detailed plot shows.

        It's amazing how it all fits together, isn't it?

  • Again, we are off at the corner frequency, but overall, the straight line gives a good idea of where the Bode' plot lies.
        There are numerous other kinds of examples we should examine. One simple example is a case in which the resonant peak is below the corner frequency. You should be able to predict what happens in that case. But just in case you can't we'll examine that situation. Here's a transfer function of that type.

Here's what you need to do.

  • Calculate the DC gain.
  • Check which critical frequency is lowest - the corner frequency or the natural frequency in the quadratic factor.
  • Think that through now before moving on.
                Now, we will show you what we got.
  • The DC gain is 10 (20db).  Here's a plot with a DC gain of 20 db.  It shows 20 db at all frequencies, and we know that needs to be fixed.
  • The natural frequency is at:
    • f = 100/2p = 15.9Hz.
  • The corner frequency is at:
    • f = 1000/2p  = 159Hz.
  • The resonant peak is a decade below the corner frequency.
  • Here is our estimate of the frequency response.
  • We've shown the asymptotes,  We also can figure the damping ratio.  We need to do that because we know there is a resonant peak.  We have the following:
    • wn2 = 10,000, so wn = 100
    • 2zwn = 10, so z = 10/200 = .05
  • Knowing the damping ratio allows us to predict how high the resonant peak will be above the straight line approximation.
    • Gain above approximation = 1 /j2z

    • If the damping ratio is .05, then this works out to a gain of 10, which is equivalent to 20 db.
    • That allows us to add one more point to our approximate Bode' plot.  Here's the plot.
Now, compare our estimate with the actual response.
From the straight line approximation you could generate a fairly accurate Bode' plot.

Summarizing this section, you should note the following.

  • You actually get a lot of insight about the shape of the plot if you can sketch it. The visualization helps a great deal.
  • There are times when a plot might surprise you, and you now have a technique that can eliminate those surprises.
  • We haven't covered all of the ground. There's more yet.

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