Satellite basics
Whatever the form of satellite the basic concepts are still the same. The orbit,
launch carriers and also the basic requirements for satellite must be met,
whether the satellite is for communications, radio or television satellite
broadcasting, weather monitoring, or for navigation in the case of GPS.
- Satellite types and applications
- Satellite orbits
- Launching satellites and placing them into orbit
- Satellite design and construction
- The basics of satellite communications
- Satellite signal propagation - The effect of the troposphere and
ionosphere on satellite signals
- Satellite frequency bands chart
Global positioning system (GPS)
The global positioning system (GPS) using the US DoD Navstar satellites is now
well established and it is possible to buy GPS receivers very easily and cheaply
considering the technology used. Additionally they are particularly accurate,
enabling many cars to use SatNav systems inconjunction with stored map to
provide a very comprenesive navigation system. If this was not enough, Europe is
to launch its own satellite navigation system under the name Galileo.
- A basic GPS introduction
- A technical summary of the Global Positioning System (GPS)
Satellite phone systems
Although terrestrial landline and mobile phone systems are widespread, satellite
based systems are also available. Although more costly, these satellite phone
systems provide essential services in several arenas.
- Overview of the basics of satellite phone systems