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Cardiovascular Drugs

The objectives of MI therapy are to prevent potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmias and to minimise the infarct size. The morphine initially prescribed for pain relief and sedation also has valuable haemodynamic effects, reducing preload (end diastolic pressure) through venodilation and afterload (peak systolic pressure) through arteriolar dilation. Aspirin (anti-platelet action) and heparin (anti-coagulant) are given as early as possible to minimise further clot enlargement. The top priority is to unblock the damaged coronary artery, either by emergency surgery, or by intravenous or (better) intracoronary administration of a clot-dissolving enzyme such as tissue plasminogen activator, streptokinase or urokinase. There are enormous benefits in starting this treatment as early as possible, ideally within 60 minutes.

In the longer term, ACE inhibitors will reduce the cardiac work load, possibly in conjunction with long-acting nitrates. Other therapy is aimed at removing risk factors: stopping smoking, cholesterol reduction using HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (lovastatin), long-term aspirin therapy, exercise and hormone replacement therapy in post-menopausal women. b-blockers may also be useful, especially in non-diabetic patients.

Recent experiments in rodents suggest that it may be possible to repair the damaged heart muscle either using embryonic cardiomyocytes, or with stem cells from bone marrow after cytokine treatment. It has already been shown that the new cardiac muscle cells are functional and electrically coupled to the remainder of the myocardium. At present the cytokine treatment must start before the myocardial lesion, which is a clinically unrealistic scenario. If this work can be successfully extended to humans and started after the event rather than before, then it is likely become the preferred therapy.

Arrhythmias: These are disturbances in the normal sequential pattern of cardiac activiation, (sinus rhythm) triggered by the sino-atrial node. They range from the occasional ventricular ectopic beat (often provoked by tiredness or caffeine in otherwise healthy people) to the completely disorganised activity seen in ventricular fibrillation, which is fatal within minutes. Between these two extremes there exists a bewildering variety of abnormal behaviour, and an equally bewildering number of drugs to treat it. All of them modify the pattern of ion channel opening and closing during the cardiac action potential, usually with the hope of narrowing the window during which a further unwanted action potential can be triggered. Controlled clinical trials have shown that several antiarrhythmic drugs may actually make matters worse. A better result can often be obtained by cardioversion (electric shock treatment) and / or permanent pacing. Current practice is not to treat cardiac arrhythmias with drugs unless the condition is life-threatening, and nothing else seems likely to work.

Myocarditis: Inflammation of the heart which may arise through a wide variety of causes, including staphylococci, streptococci and other bacteria, Coxsackie B virus, rickettsiae (scrub typhus) and Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas disease). The symptoms include fatigue, weakness, tachycardia, leucocytosis, arrhythmias, cardiomegaly (cardiac enlargement) and mitral valve incompetence leading eventually to heart failure. It is suspected that viral infections may be more common than was previously recognised, and may pre-dispose to dilated cardiomyopathy (see below). Myocarditis is usually an acute condition: the patients either die or get better.

Cardiomyopathies: This diverse group of serious diseases are the most common reason for cardiac transplantation. They are all characterised by long-term heart failure and cardiomegaly, usually with little inflammation. Recognised classes include

i) Nutritional: e.g. cobalt-induced and alcohol-induced cardiomyopathies.

ii) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the ventricles are enlarged with unusually thick walls. This may be caused by outflow obstruction, but genetic factors may also be important.

iii) Dilated cardiomyopathy: the ventricles are grossly enlarged with unusually thin walls. The disease affects all races, but is particularly common in black males. About 75% of patients are believed to suffer from an auto-immune condition, which may be precipitated by a previous Coxsackie virus infection. Circulating antibodies may be internalised using receptor-mediated endocytosis. Myosin, b-receptors and the mitochondrial adenine nucleotide transporter have all been suggested as possible auto-antigens. A variety of inherited factors can be identified in the remaining patients, including both dominant and recessive mutations affecting the dystrophin, tropomodulin and connexin-40 genes. There are huge individual variations in the age of onset, time course and severity of the disease even when a genetic mechanism has been identified.

Felix et al (2002)Removal of cardiodepressant antibodies in dilated cardiomyopathy by immunoadsorption J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 39(4), 646-652.

The treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy resembles that for heart failure in general, except that there may be more emphasis on maintaining adequate cardiac contractility using catecholamine analogue infusions (dopamine or dobutamine), providing that the coronary arteries are intact. There is a serious risk of pulmonary embolism as a result of venostasis, and anti-coagulants may be indicated.

See cardiomyopathy website.


medical condition myocardial infarction dilated cardiomyopathy
physiological problem partially blocked coronary artery dead muscle in ventricle wall heart failure, low contractility, extreme dilation
treatment strategy clear obstruction, relieve pain and reduce cardiac work load reduce venous congestion maintain adequate output
drug 1 aspirin, heparin, morphine and proteases to dissolve the clot diuretics (e.g. furosemide plus amiloride) remove excess fluid
drug 2 ACE inhibitors or AT1 block to produce arterial vasodilation ACE inhibitors to produce arterial vasodilation
drug 3 b-blocker (e.g. atenolol) but care needed in diabetics catecholamines (e.g. dopamine) to increase contractility
drug 4 lovastatin to control blood cholesterol long term  

Blood clotting and anti-coagulants: The cardiovascular system requires a delicate balance between excessive clotting causing obstructions, and leaks following a failure to clot. In most patients this balance is more or less correct, and controlled clinical trials have only supported the prophylactic use of anti-coagulants in two particular circumstances: (1) aspirin appears to give real protection against myocardial infarction, and (2) warfarin and heparin are of benefit in the management of deep vein thrombosis among those at risk. There is, however, a very clear benefit from speedy attempts to dissolve the clot blocking the coronary artery through the use of injected proteases during or immediately after a heart attack.

The coagulation system uses proteolytic cascades to amplify a tiny initial stimulus and allow the formation of substantial clots. Most of the required proteins are secreted by the liver into the bloodstream as inactive precursors, which are subsequently cleaved to yield the active clotting factors. Several of these proteins (factors II, VII, IX and X, and the inhibitory proteins C and S) undergo a specialised post-translational modification in the liver microsomal fraction, which converts glutamate residues near the amino termini into g-carboxyglutamate. These modified residues provide high-affinity Ca ++ binding sites which are essential for the assembly of a functional clotting complex. The reaction requires oxygen and carbon dioxide and is catalysed by a vitamin K dependent carboxylase which produces vitamin K epoxide. Warfarin blocks this process by inhibiting the first stage of the NADPH-dependent reductase system that recycles the epoxide back to the fully reduced, hydroquinone form of vitamin K.

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