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Cardiovascular Drugs

There are two routes for the activation of the clotting system. The intrinsic pathway is normally activated by contact with collagen from damaged blood vessels, but any negatively charged surface will suffice. Kaolin (clay) is used to artificially activate the pathway for the measurement of the activated partial thromboplastin time - a clinical test used to monitor the activity of this part of the clotting cascade. Clotting may alternatively be activated via the extrinsic pathway , which requires a tissue factor from the surface of extravascular cells. The final stages of both pathways are common, and involve the proteolytic activation of thrombin which then initiates the formation of a fibrin clot. A transglutaminase reaction catalysed by factor XIIIa then cross links the fibrin monomers. A greatly over-simplified version of these events is shown in the diagram below:

The intrinsic pathway normally requires platelet activation in order to assemble a tenase complex involving factors VIIIa, IXa and X. The activation process uses the IP3 signalling pathway, and involves degranulation and myosin l.c. kinase activation in order to change the platelet shape and allow them to adhere. Phospholipase A2 activation leads to the formation of thromboxane A2 which promotes further platelet aggregation via a positive feedback system. Aspirin inhibits the cyclooxygenase involved in thromboxane biosynthesis. Endothelial cells synthesize prostacyclin PGI2 , which inhibits platelet aggregation. The anti-coagulant heparin activates the inhibitor antithrombin III, which deactivates several of the plasma clotting factors, including thrombin. Clot dissolution requires a further protease, plasmin, which is incorporated into the forming clot as an inactive precursor, plasminogen. The "clot buster" enzymes tPA and streptokinase are used to activate this internal fibrinolytic mechanism.

Check list of common cardiac drugs
Drugs Main effects Mechanism Sites of action
abciximab anticoagulant stops platelet activation monoclonal antibody to fibrinogen receptors platelets
amiloride (combination with frusemide is frumil) potassium sparing diuretic plasmalemma sodium & chloride channels kidney (distal tubules)
amiodarone class III anti-arrhythmic prolongs action potential duration myocardium
aspirin anticoagulant stops platelet activation COX inhibitor, blocks TXA2 synthesis platelets
atropine (sometimes used to stop vagus bradycardia) parasympatholytic, increases heart rate blocks muscarinic AcCh receptors pacemaker cells (sino-atrial node)
captopril reduces arterial blood pressure ACE inhibitor relaxes vascular smooth muscle
clopidogrel anticoagulant stops platelet activation blocks ADP receptor platelets
digitalis and ouabain increase cardiac contractility, delay AV node triggering block Na / K ATPase raising intracellular sodium, then calcium all tissues, but the Na/Ca exchanger is mainly in heart
dipyridamole (often used for X-ray imaging) coronary vasodilation inhibition of adenosine uptake coronary vasculature
furosemide (= frusemide) diuretic plasmalemma sodium & chloride channels kidney (loop of Henle)
isoprenaline (and other adrenaline analogues) increase cardiac contractility beta agonist raises cyclic AMP many tissues
losartan reduces arterial blood pressure angiotensin AT1 receptor blockade relaxes vascular smooth muscle
lovastatin reduces blood cholesterol levels HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor liver
morphine pain relief (mainly) opiate receptors brain
nitroglycerine (and many other organic nitrates) reduce cardiac work load metabolised to NO relaxes vascular smooth muscle
propranolol reduces cardiac contractility, class II anti-arrhythmic beta blocker lowers cyclic AMP many tissues
quinidine, novocaine and other local anaesthetics class I anti-arrhythmics delay recovery of sarcolemma sodium channels after AP myocardium
spironolactone (usually added to other diuretics) reduces diuretic potassium losses aldosterone antagonist kidney (distal tubules)
urokinase (streptokinase is cheaper but antigenic) dissolves blood clots (fibrinolytic) activates plasminogen to plasmin (protease) blood clots
verapamil, nifedipine and other dihydropyridines reduce cardiac work load, class IV anti-arrhythmic block sarcolemma calcium channels myocardium; relax vascular smooth muscle
warfarin anticoagulant

vit. K antagonist

blocks g-carboxy glutamate synthesis liver

Captopril and rational drug design

Cushman & Ondetti (1999) Design of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors Nature Medicine 5, 1110-1112.

Khalil et al (2001) A remarkable medical story: Benefits of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in cardiac patients J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 37(7), 1757-1764.

Opie & Kowolik (1995) The discovery of captopril: from large animals to small molecules. Cardiovasc. Res. 30, 18-25.

Discovery of new drugs started as a random process which depended on chance observations of natural products. These provided the first drug leads, which were exploited by pharmaceutical chemists to produce the earliest synthetic drugs. Progress was haphazard and initially very slow, but by the 1960's a sufficient range of compounds had been synthesised for scientists to correlate structure and activity in a systematic fashion.

Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) correlate the biological properties of the potential drug with systematic structural variations (Free Wilson analysis) or with molecular properties such as lipophilicity, polarisability and stereochemistry (Hansch analysis). Both techniques are essentially multivariate statistical methods that indicate promising directions for further chemical modification. Development is cyclical: the new compounds are compared with their predecessors and a family of promising compounds evolves in the desired direction.

It isn't just the effect on the intended target that must be optimised. Toxicity, biological half-life, and ease of administration are equally important factors, and research on ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) of the new drugs must proceed in parallel with the main development effort.

The development of X-ray crystallography led to an increasing appreciation of the three dimensional relationships between the ligand and its target protein, while advances in synthetic organic chemistry have lead to a growing automation and acceleration of the drug development process. The task is not easy because of the considerable flexibility of both drug and the target molecule, and the continuing uncertainty about their active conformations in aqueous solution.

The angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor captopril which was developed around 1975 is regarded as a major turning point in the drug development process. Captopril was the first drug designed to block a particular target protein, and has subsequently become the preferred therapy for hypertension and congestive heart failure.

Blood pressure range (mm Hg) Category
<85 Normal blood pressure
85-89 High normal BP
90-104 Mild hypertension
105-114 Moderate hypertension
>114 Severe hypertension
Systolic (when diastolic <90)  
<140 Normal
140-159 Borderline systolic hypertension
>159 Isolated systolic hypertension

About 22% of the American population are reckoned to be hypertensive. Of these, over half are not receiving therapy, and the treatment is not completely successful in about half of those on medication. Hypertension is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases, and remains an important area of pharmaceutical research.

The link between renal disease and hypertension was appreciated by a few scientists during the nineteenth century, and in 1898 Tigerstedt & Bergman showed that renal extracts contained a substance (renin) that could provoke hypertension when injected into dogs. In 1934 Goldblatt demonstrated that renal ischaemia produced hypertension, and a few years later it was realised that renal ischaemia was a powerful stimulus for renin release.

Renin was partially purified in the 1940's and recognised to be an enzyme that acted on a protein already present in the blood to produce the actual pressor substance that was named angiotensin. It was subsequently realised that a second enzyme present mainly in the lungs converted angiotensin I into the more effective angiotensin II. It was also realised that the same system inactivates bradykinin, a nonapeptide involved in the inflammatory response. Bradykinin relaxes vascular smooth muscle (causing vasodilation) but it also causes intense contractions of visceral smooth muscle. Several of these components were characterised in the late 1960's by John Vane and coworkers.

Vane persuaded Cushman and Ondetti at the Squibb Institute to study the angiotensin system, and drew their attention to Brazilian work on Pit Viper venom, which potentiates the action of bradykinin and contains natural peptide inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme. One of these was developed into an anti-hypertensive drug teprotide, which could only be given by injection because it was inactivated in the gut.

There was no X-ray data on angiotensin converting enzyme, but Cushman and Ondetti recognised its similarity to another zinc-containing enzyme, carboxypeptidase, for which a partial structure was available. They devised a simple model of the active centre and started a systematic search for inhibitors, using the quick spectrophotometric assay for ACE that Cushman had developed.

Click here to see the structure of human carboxypeptidase which provided a model for the structure of angiotensin converting enzyme [ACE] and the design of captopril.

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