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Quantitative Microscopy

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Quantitative Microscopy


The use of a light microscope for the quantitative analysis of specimens requires an understanding of: light sources, the interaction of light with the desired specimen, the characteristics of modern microscope optics, the characteristics of modern electro-optical sensors (in particular, CCD cameras), and the proper use of algorithms for the restoration, segmentation, and analysis of digital images. All of these components are necessary if one is to achieve the accurate measurement of "analog" quantities given a digital representation of an image. In this paper we will explore several of these issues in detail as they provide important insights into the entire process and their importance is frequently underestimated by practitioners.


While light microscopy is almost 400 years old [1,2], the developments of the past decade have offered a variety of new mechanisms for examining biological and material samples. In this past decade we have seen the development and/or exploitation of techniques such as confocal microscopy, scanning near field microscopy, standing wave microscopy, fluorescence lifetime microscopy, and two-photon microscopy. (See, for example, recent issues of Bioimaging and Journal of Microscopy.) In biology the advances in molecular biology and biochemistry have made it possible to selectively tag (and thus make visible) specific parts of cells such as actin molecules or sequences of DNA of 1000 base pairs or longer. In sensor technology modern CCD cameras are capable of achieving high spatial resolution and high sensitivity measurements of signals in the optical microscope. In computer processing we have learned how to process digitized images so as to extract meaningful measurements of "analog" quantities given digital data.

The applications that motivate and exploit these developments can be divided into those in which the goal is the production of images that are to be used as images by human observers and those where the images are to analyzed to produce data for human interpretation. In the former case where we can speak of specimen in -> image out the issue is image processing; in the latter case where we can speak of specimen in -> data out, the issue is image analysis. As we hope to demonstrate in this paper, the two different applications processing and analysis can lead to different sets of conclusions in the choice of algorithms and technical constraints such as sampling frequency.

In the case of image analysis we can also make a clear distinction between problems of detection and problems of estimation. An example of a detection problem might be finding the spots produced in a cell nucleus by molecular probes that are specific for the DNA on either chromosome number 1 or chromosome number 7. Using fluorescent dyes to color chromosome 1 green and chromosome 7 orange-red and to color the entire DNA content blue (see Figure 1a) the central problem becomes the detection of the colored dots followed by simple counting. As a second example we consider the measurement of the amount of DNA in each cell in order to build a profile of the DNA distribution in a population of cells. In Figure 1b we see cell nuclei that have been stained with a quantitative (stoichiometric) staining reagent (Feulgen) and where the amount of stain per pixel is proportional to the DNA content per pixel.

(a) (b)

Figure 1: (a) Human lymphocytes stained with fluorescent dyes DAPI (blue), Spectrum Green, and Spectrum Orange to reveal total DNA content, the centromeric DNA of chromosome 1, and the centromeric DNA of chromosome 7, respectively. (b) Human tissue sampled stained with the absorptive dye Feulgen that is quantitative for DNA content. The optical density per pixel is proportional to the DNA content per pixel.

Waves and Photons

Modern physics has taught us that there are two, inter-related ways of describing light - as waves and as a collection of massless particles, photons. Both of these descriptions are necessary in order to understand the properties and limitations of quantitative microscopy.

Waves - The wave description leads naturally to a consideration of the wavelength of light being used, , and the diffraction limits of modern microscope lenses. A modern well-designed, aberration "free" microscope lens may be characterized as an LSI system with a point spread function (PSF) followed by a pure magnification system as shown in Figure 2 [3].

Figure 2: An "ideal" microscope lens has a point spread function that is circularly symmetric h(r). This is followed by a magnification factor M. Typical vales of M are 25x, 40x, and 63x. Note that the total lens system is not shift invariant (SI) because moving the input image (in space) by a distance x will cause the output image to move by Mx instead of x.

The form of the PSF is circularly symmetric and given by:


where J1(�) is a Bessel function of the first kind. We see that for this ideal case only two parameters are of consequence - the wavelength of light and the numerical aperture of the lens NA. The NA of the lens measures the ability of the lens to collect light and is given by n�sin() with n the index of refraction of the medium between the lens and the specimen and the angle of acceptance of the microscope lens. Typical values of n are 1.0 (air), 1.3 (water), and 1.5 (immersion oil). A maximum value for is about 69. This leads to values of NA that are less than 1.0 in air and less than 1.4 in oil.

The optical transfer function (OTF) of an ideal, circularly-symmetric microscope lens can be calculated. Because of the circular symmetry, H(x,y) = F{h(x,y)} = F{h(r)} = H(r) where F{�} is the Fourier transform operation. The OTF is given by:


The PSF, h(r), and the OTF, H(r), are shown in Figure 3. It is the PSF that gives rise to the well-known Airy disk [4].

(a) (b)

Figure 3: (a) PSF, h(r), of an ideal microscope lens. (b) OTF, H(r), of the ideal microscope lens. Both are evaluated for a = 1 in equations 1 and 2.

An important feature of the OTF is that it is bandlimited. That is, there exists a frequency c such that H(c) = 0 for || > c. This cutoff frequency is given by:


For green light with a wavelength of 500 nm. and using an oil-immersion lens with NA = 1.4, this corresponds to a cutoff frequency of 5.6 cycles per �m (microns). The Nyquist sampling theorem would then imply that an image to be analyzed after sampling would require a minimum sampling frequency of 2c. In this example this implies 11.2 samples per micron or a maximum distance of 0.089 microns between samples. While this very fine sampling might appear to be "overkill", we should remember that biological samples do contain arbitrarily small physical details and thus the Fourier spectrum is not limited by the input physical signal (the specimen) but rather by the diffraction limits of the microscope objective (a low-pass filter). As a practical consequence, the examination of a small human metaphase chromosome which is only about 1 micron by 2 microns leads to a digital image of only 15 by 30 pixels as shown in Figure 4.

(a)   (b)

Figure 4: (a) Small metaphase chromosome stained with the absorptive dye Giemsa in order to reveal the band structure. (b) A 4x enlargement reveals the small number of pixels involved in the digital image representation.


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