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Quantitative Microscopy

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Quantitative Microscopy

Another direct consequence of the bandlimited nature of the microscope optics can be found in procedures for autofocusing as well as for understanding the issue of depth-of-focus. When an image specimen with Fourier spectrum I(x,y) is passed through a microscope with an OTF given by H(x,y) this produces an output image O(x,y)

= I(x,y)•H(x,y). The act of focusing or defocusing the microscope does not change the spectrum of the specimen but rather the OTF. In other words the OTF is a function of the z-axis position of the microscope. We can make this explicit by writing H(x,y, z). A typical example of this dependency is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: As we move away from optimum focus, as z increases, the H(r) "sags". These measured data describe a 60x lens with an NA of 1.4 (oil-immersion), and a wavelength of = 400 nm (blue). The cutoff frequency fc (from equation 3) should be 7.0 cycles per µm.

It is clear that independent of the focus H(=0, z) = 1.0; all the light that enters the microscope through the objective lens is assumed to leave the microscope through the ocular or camera lens. At the bandlimit of the lens, the amplitude of H(=c, z) = 0.0, again independent of focus. Thus autofocus algorithms can only expect to work well when they examine midband frequencies around r / 2a = 0.75 (as seen in Figure 3b) and when the input signal spectrum I(x,y) contains a sufficient amount of energy in that spectral band. A complete analysis of this can be found in [5].

Further, the depth-of-focus - that distance z over which the image specimen can be expected to be observed without significant optical aberration - can be derived from considerations of wave optics and shown to be [6, 7]:


Again using the typical values of = 500 nm, NA = 1.4, and n = 1.5, we arrive at a depth-of-focus of z = 0.13 µm, a very thin region of critical focus.

Photons - A second and equally important aspect of the physical signal that we observe is the quantum nature of light. Assuming for the moment an ideal situation, a single photon that arrives at a single CCD camera pixel may have been transmitted through a specimen (as in absorptive microscopy) or may been emitted by a fluorescent dye molecule. In either case that single photon for = 500 nm will carry an energy of E = h = hc/ = 3.97 x 10-19 Joules. While this is a seemingly infinitesimal amount of energy, modern CCD cameras are sensitive enough to be able to count individual photons. The real problem arises, however, from the fundamentally statistical nature of photon production. We cannot assume that in a given pixel for two consecutive but independent observation intervals of length T that the same number of photons will be counted. Photon production is governed by the laws of quantum physics which restrict us to talking about an average number of photons within a given observation window. The probability distribution of photons in an observation window of length T seconds is known to be Poisson. [8]. That is, the probability of p photons in an interval of length T is given by:


where is the rate or intensity parameter measured in photons per second. It is critical to understand that, even if there were no other noise sources in the imaging chain, the statistical fluctuations associated with photon counting over a finite time interval T would still lead to a finite signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). If we express this SNR as 20 log�10(), then due to the fact that the average value of a Poisson process is given by µ = and the standard deviation is given by , we have that SNR = 10 log�10().

(a) (b)

Figure 6: (a) Top: Gray level step wedge with 8 levels. Bottom: The same step wedge as if each pixel were contaminated with Poisson noise and the rate parameter was the original pixel value (with T=1 in eq. 5). (b) Two curves: the heavy curve shows a horizontal line through the uncontaminated step wedge; the thin line shows the result of the Poisson noise contamination.

In this context it is important to understand that the three traditional assumptions about the relationship between signal and noise do not hold:

  • the noise is not independent of the signal;
  • the noise is not Gaussian, and;
  • the noise is not additive.

Techniques that have been developed to deal with noisy images under the traditional assumptions - techniques for enhancement, restoration, segmentation, and measurement - must be reexamined before they can be used with these types of images.

Camera Evaluation

Thinking in terms of photons has a direct effect on the evaluation of alternative camera systems for quantitative microscopy. When a photon strikes the photosensitive surface of a CCD, it may or may not cause a photoelectron to be collected in the potential well. The probability of this happening is associated with the quantum efficiency of the material (usually silicon) and the energy (wavelength) of the photon. Typical values for the quantum efficiency for silicon are around 50%, increasing towards the infra-red and decreasing towards the blue end of the spectrum. But each photoelectron that is produced comes from one photon so that photoelectrons (as well as photons) have a Poisson distribution. If a CCD well has a finite capacity for photoelectrons, C, then the maximum possible signal will be C and the standard deviation will be . This means that the maximum SNR per pixel will be limited to SNR�max = 10 log�10(C). Thus even if all other sources of noise are negligible compared to the fundamental fluctuations in the photon counts, the SNR will be limited by the CCD well capacity. If we choose to perform on-chip integration after the well is full then we will only achieve blooming - the leaking of the overfull well into other nearby wells. For three, well-known CCD chips these limits are given in Table 1.



Pixel Size
Kodak KAF 1400  
6.8 x 6.8
Sony PA-93  
11.0 x 11.0
Thompson TH 7882  
23.0 x 23.0
Table 1:  Characteristics per pixel of some well-known CCD chips.

Each of these chips when integrated into a well-designed camera is capable of achieving these theoretical, maximum SNR values [9]. The invariant among these three chips is the photoelectron capacity per square micron. If we think of the well as having a volume given by the cross-sectional area times the depth, then the capacity per unit cross-sectional area for all three chips is about 700 photoelectrons/µm�2.

The verification that the SNR is photon-limited can be achieved by looking at the form of SNR(C) versus C. When the form is log(C) and the asymptotic value is that given in Table 1, then we can be confident that we are dealing with a well-designed camera that is, in fact, limited only by photon noise. An example of this type of result for a Photometrics CC200 camera based on the Kodak KAF 1400 chip is given in Figure 7.

Figure 7: : SNR as a function of the recorded image brightness for a cooled Photometrics KAF 1400 camera. The data were collected in both the 1x and 4x gain modes. The data follow a log(•) function (shown in a thick gray line) up to the maximum well capacity of the CCD photoelement.

Using the Poisson model it is also possible to determine the sensitivity of each camera. There is clearly a scale factor (G) between photoelectrons (e- ) and ADU. (An ADU is the step size of the A/D converter. That is, the difference between gray level k and k+1.) Thus the output y (in ADU) and the input x (in photoelectrons) are related by y = G•x. It holds for any random variable that E{y} = E{G•x} = G•E{x} and V{y} = V{G•x} = G2•V{x} where E{•} and V{•} are the expectation and variance operators, respectively. Using the additional constraint that x has a Poisson distribution gives E{y} = G•E{x} = G• and V{y} = G2•V{x}= G2. This means that an estimate of the scale factor is given by V{y} / E{y} = G independent of . The sensitivity S is simply 1/G. The sensitivity for the three chips mentioned above and in specific camera configurations is given in Table 2.

e- / ADU
Dark Current
ADU / s
Photometrics / KAF 1400 7.9 .002 -42
Sony XC-77RRCE / PA-93 256.4 .043 +22
Photometrics / TH 7882 90.9 .420 -37
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